I'm working on a script that will allow members of our help desk to clear "hung" user sessions in one of our systems. This is normally something I do directly in the systems database and is relatively straightforward. However I'd prefer not to have all the help desk staff digging around in the database so hence the script....Everything is working fine until I try to execute the delete statements...I've verified that the correct UserID is being populated but for some reason the Execute steps are not working...Hoping someone here can tell me where I'm making my mistake(s). Here's the script:
Option Explicit
CONST ForAppending = 8
Dim fso
Dim shell
Dim DBServer
Dim cn
Dim rs
Dim cmd
Dim objLogFile
Dim logfile
Dim UserId
Dim UserName
Dim sqlcmd
Dim result
Dim result2
Dim user
Dim WshNetwork
Dim loopvalue
Dim sqlErrors
Dim recAffected
Dim ra
Dim fdate
Dim ftime
Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set shell = createobject("Wscript.Shell")
DBserver = ""
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cn.Open "DRIVER={SQL Server};server="&DBserver&";database=INOW6;uid=**;pwd=*****"
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cn
Set sqlErrors = cn.errors
logfile = "\\anh-inowprod\log\Unlocked_users.log"
user = WshNetwork.UserName
set objLogFile = fso.OpenTextFile(logfile, ForAppending, True, True)
fdate = FormatDateTime(Date(),2)
ftime = FormatDateTime(Now(),4)
result2 = MsgBox("Do you need to unlock any other user sessions?",4,"Unlock other users?")
If result2 = 6 then
loopvalue = "TRUE"
else loopvalue = "FALSE"
MsgBox "Thank you..."
end if
Loop while loopvalue = "TRUE"
'Input MRN values sub
Sub EnterUser()
UserName=InputBox ("Enter ImageNow username for user whose session needs to be killed :", "ImageNow Kill User Session" , "username")
result = MsgBox ("You've indicated you wish to kill user "&UserName& "'s session in the ImageNow database, is this correct?", 1, "ATTENTION: PLEASE VERIFY")
If result = 1 then
rs.Open "select usr_id from in_usr where usr_name = '"&UserName&"'", cn
UserId = rs.GetString
cn.Execute "delete from in_usr_proc_ctrl where usr_id = '"&UserID&"'"
cn.Execute "delete from in_lic_mon where usr_id = '"&UserID&"'"
for each sqlErrors in sqlErrors
wscript.echo sqlErrors
MsgBox "Removing the user session in ImageNow has been cancelled"
end if
End Sub