I have a field in one of my reports that is storing "time". Not time like 12:00, but time like minutes. Example: 240.0 = 240 minutes. The MSSQL datatype of this field is "real".
My question is how can I display this field in my report such that the rounding will not "alter" the "time"
One example is if I have 20.0 in the DB the report is treating this as .33 hours (In the report I have to display hours. So I created a formula "timefield/60".)
Technically .33 does not equal 20 minutes. It's a little less. While this may not seem like a big issue, as months go by we would be "losing" lots of time (kind of like those fractions of pennies in Superman III)
This was kind of confusing to explain so let me know if you need more info
-- Jason
"It's Just Ones and Zeros
My question is how can I display this field in my report such that the rounding will not "alter" the "time"
One example is if I have 20.0 in the DB the report is treating this as .33 hours (In the report I have to display hours. So I created a formula "timefield/60".)
Technically .33 does not equal 20 minutes. It's a little less. While this may not seem like a big issue, as months go by we would be "losing" lots of time (kind of like those fractions of pennies in Superman III)
This was kind of confusing to explain so let me know if you need more info
-- Jason
"It's Just Ones and Zeros