Hi all not sure where would be appropriate to post this so I'll try here. Feel free to flame.
I'm having a strange issue with one of my users.
My setup: I have exchange 2000 running my org and many remote users. All of my field users access exchnage 2000 via IMAP on either Outlook 2003 or Outlook express.
Seems to work great for us except two people whose dialup ISP is MSN. These two users can recieve email just fine and send email to internal (someone@mydomain.com) just fine, but cannot send to external address (i.e. someone@someotherdoamin.com). It gives the error saying that the recipient address is not authorized blah blah message. (Yes I have the sending email requires authentication box checked in Outlook) I've ruled everything out except the MSN dialup account. (Right now I have one of them using SBCglobal dialup and the other using his AOL account and it works fine) MSN just tells me to check with my email provider, which is me so that's no help. I really need to get this resolved as a third party is paying for the MSN account.
Just hoping someone on here has seen this before.
I'm having a strange issue with one of my users.
My setup: I have exchange 2000 running my org and many remote users. All of my field users access exchnage 2000 via IMAP on either Outlook 2003 or Outlook express.
Seems to work great for us except two people whose dialup ISP is MSN. These two users can recieve email just fine and send email to internal (someone@mydomain.com) just fine, but cannot send to external address (i.e. someone@someotherdoamin.com). It gives the error saying that the recipient address is not authorized blah blah message. (Yes I have the sending email requires authentication box checked in Outlook) I've ruled everything out except the MSN dialup account. (Right now I have one of them using SBCglobal dialup and the other using his AOL account and it works fine) MSN just tells me to check with my email provider, which is me so that's no help. I really need to get this resolved as a third party is paying for the MSN account.
Just hoping someone on here has seen this before.