Exchange5.5 appears to lock out all access to the message store if the NT4 hard disk mirror sync is in progress. Can anyone confirm this? If this is true as it appears, is the store locked during ANY mirror process on any disk, or only on mirrored disks which hold message stores?
Alternatively, can anyone provide detailed information on NT4 mirroring? Specifically, is there a utility that can report the current status of disk mirroring? It appears as though the mirror handling takes place totally in the background. The only control I have over the process is through disk administrator, where I can break or establish a mirror. [sig][/sig]
Alternatively, can anyone provide detailed information on NT4 mirroring? Specifically, is there a utility that can report the current status of disk mirroring? It appears as though the mirror handling takes place totally in the background. The only control I have over the process is through disk administrator, where I can break or establish a mirror. [sig][/sig]