I have beeng looking for an answer to the next problem and found nothing.
In my script i use msgbox instruction, it works fine but stops programms flow. ¿How can i send a message to the user without stoping programs flow? I want it to remain visible.
I have read that its posible setting the msgbox instruction in another executable an launching it from first one. But this is not valid for me because i need first program to be able to read if the user have clicked the msgboxs button.
Select = msgbox "Deleting File"
Loop While (Fich.FileExists("c:\srcrpt.lck") and Select<>2)
This way, if the system cant delete the file in a few minutes and remain in loop,user would be able to stop it whenever he wants. (Always that program flow doesnt stop when msgbox is executed)
¿Is this posible?
I have beeng looking for an answer to the next problem and found nothing.
In my script i use msgbox instruction, it works fine but stops programms flow. ¿How can i send a message to the user without stoping programs flow? I want it to remain visible.
I have read that its posible setting the msgbox instruction in another executable an launching it from first one. But this is not valid for me because i need first program to be able to read if the user have clicked the msgboxs button.
Select = msgbox "Deleting File"
Loop While (Fich.FileExists("c:\srcrpt.lck") and Select<>2)
This way, if the system cant delete the file in a few minutes and remain in loop,user would be able to stop it whenever he wants. (Always that program flow doesnt stop when msgbox is executed)
¿Is this posible?