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.msg parsing question.

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Jan 24, 2005
I have written a script which firstly removes the 'from' email address from a .msg file. I inherited this algorithm (well it was handed and told to code it) but it turns out it must search through an MDaemon backup folder containing a large amount of .msg files (100,000 +). The MDaemon set up is crazy and about 5% of the addresses are only needed.

Anyway I use Email::Simple to remove the 'from' address.
Is there a quick way to loop through the .msg files and remove the addresses.

Note : The are large pauses in the execution at the moment at the moment I am using:

# change directory and get list of messages
opendir(EM_DH, $Backup_Path) or die "Cannot find to directory $Backup_Path $!";
@Emails = readdir EM_DH;

# loop through all messages and remove addresses
foreach (@Emails) {
undef $FileString;
if ($_ =~ /msg$/i) {
$CurrEmail = $_;
open(FH, $Backup_Path.$CurrEmail) or die "Cannot open file $!";
while(<FH>) {
$FileString = $FileString.$_;

# parse the info
($FromInfo, $Body) = ParseData($FileString);
Just to make a suggestion for the code you posted, this might work faster than what you have but I am unsure how this is removing the adresses or if it will speed that part up:

opendir(EM_DH, $Backup_Path) or die "Cannot find to directory $Backup_Path $!";
@Emails = grep (/msg$/i, readdir EM_DH);

# loop through all messages and remove addresses
foreach (@Emails) {
   open(FH, $Backup_Path.$_) or die "Cannot open file $!";
   my $FileString = do { local $/; <FH> };
   # parse the info
   ($FromInfo,$Body) = ParseData($FileString);
I'd also recomend not slurping the directory handle if it has a ton of files.
On a side note I also recomend placing your file handles in a local() statement to keep them unique...
local( *EM_DH, *FH, $/ );

# get list of messages from $Backup_Path directory
opendir(EM_DH, $Backup_Path) or die "Cannot find to directory $Backup_Path $!";

# loop through all messages and remove addresses
while( readdir( EM_DH ) ){
  next unless /\.msg$/i;
  #Read MSG file
  my $CurrEmail = "$Backup_Path$_";
	open( FH, $CurrEmail ) or die "Error openning $CurrEmail:$!";
	#Slurp entire file (thanks to the local $/ above )
	my $FileString = <FH>;
	#parse the info
	my( FromInfo, $Body ) = ParseData($FileString)
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