I have a VB6 application that runs on a SQL Server database backend and uses an MSFlexgrid control to display a number of records returned from a stored procedure.
I am getting the following error:
Error number 30009
Error Description: Invalid Row Value
Because the users are regularly updating the data, the flexgrid gets refreshed every few minutes or so i.e. the stored proc gets re-run. This error happens intermittently and it does do not occur when the flexgrid is first populated, so I’m 99% certain the error happens when this refresh occurs.
But also on this form there are various drop-down-lists which allow the users to filter which records are displayed. When the users select the filter which displays ‘In progress’ calls, a procedure is called which colours certain rows depending on their date. I get the feeling the error occurs when the refresh is run and this particular filter is set.
Here is my populate flexgrid code, which I pinched off a the net (VBForums),
Here is the code the changes the row colours
And here is my refresh code:
Can anyone see what might be causing the error? Your help will be greatly appreciated; it will stop my users from nagging me for a start!
I am getting the following error:
Error number 30009
Error Description: Invalid Row Value
Because the users are regularly updating the data, the flexgrid gets refreshed every few minutes or so i.e. the stored proc gets re-run. This error happens intermittently and it does do not occur when the flexgrid is first populated, so I’m 99% certain the error happens when this refresh occurs.
But also on this form there are various drop-down-lists which allow the users to filter which records are displayed. When the users select the filter which displays ‘In progress’ calls, a procedure is called which colours certain rows depending on their date. I get the feeling the error occurs when the refresh is run and this particular filter is set.
Here is my populate flexgrid code, which I pinched off a the net (VBForums),
Public Sub FillFromRecordset_FlexGrid(p_ctlFlexGrid As Control, _
p_objRecordset As Object, _
p_booFieldNamesAsHeaders As Boolean)
'Fills an MSFlexGrid control with values from a recordset
'The code was taken from Si_the_geek, VBForums
' p_ctlFlexGrid - The FlexGrid control to fill
' p_objRecordset - The Recordset to get the data from (can be ADO/DAO)
' p_booFieldNamesAsHeaders - True to show field names as column headers
'Example usage:
' Call FillFromRecordset_FlexGrid(MSFlexGrid1, objRS, True)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim lngCol As Long
Dim lngRow As Long
Dim booOldRedraw As Boolean
Dim FlexGridName As String
Dim i As Long
FlexGridName = p_ctlFlexGrid.Name
With p_ctlFlexGrid
'Set up the required number of columns
.Cols = p_objRecordset.Fields.Count
.FixedCols = 0
'If specified, show field names as headers
If p_booFieldNamesAsHeaders Then
.FixedRows = 1
For lngCol = 0 To p_objRecordset.Fields.Count - 1
.TextMatrix(0, lngCol) = p_objRecordset.Fields(lngCol).Name
'sp - populate field headers to combo box for sort by
'Combo1.AddItem p_objRecordset.Fields(lngCol).Name
Next lngCol
End If
'remove all rows except any headers, and the first data row (cannot be removed)
.Rows = .FixedRows + 1
'Turn off screen updates (much faster to fill the data)
booOldRedraw = .Redraw
.Redraw = False
'Check if there is any data
If p_objRecordset.EOF Then
'if there is no data, only allow the required blank row, and hide it (height=0)
.AddItem ""
.RemoveItem .FixedRows
.RowHeight(.FixedRows) = 0
'We have data, add it one row at a time
'(nb: there are various ways to do this, this way is quick, and easy to read)
lngRow = .Rows
Do While Not p_objRecordset.EOF
'Add the row (empty)
.AddItem ""
'Set the values once cell at a time (avoids problems with Nulls and data containing grid delimiters)
For lngCol = 0 To p_objRecordset.Fields.Count - 1
'if you want to format the text for some columns differenly, you can _
'use If/Else or Select Case here - but its better to do that in your SQL _
'statement, as it is more efficient, and allows this sub to be re-used easily
.TextMatrix(lngRow, lngCol) = p_objRecordset.Fields(lngCol).Value & ""
Next lngCol
'Increment our row counter
lngRow = lngRow + 1
'Move to the next row of data
'Remove the blank row we left at the top
.RemoveItem .FixedRows
End If
'If p_ctlFlexGrid = frmNewLog.MSFlexGrid2 Then
' MsgBox "msflexgrid22"
'End If
If FlexGridName = "MSFlexGrid1" Then
.ColWidth(0) = 750
.ColWidth(1) = 1275
.ColWidth(2) = 1050
.ColWidth(3) = 500
.ColWidth(4) = 1500
.ColWidth(5) = 500
.ColWidth(6) = 6280
.ColWidth(7) = 1100
.ColWidth(8) = 0
.ColWidth(9) = 1730
End If
If FlexGridName = "MSFlexGrid2" Then
.ColWidth(0) = 750
.ColWidth(1) = 900
.ColWidth(2) = 1050
.ColWidth(3) = 530
.ColWidth(4) = 0
.ColWidth(5) = 0
.ColWidth(6) = 6370
.ColWidth(7) = 1050
.ColWidth(8) = 0
.ColWidth(9) = 1500
End If
For i = 0 To 8
p_ctlFlexGrid.ColAlignment(i) = flexAlignLeftCenter
Next i
If FlexGridName = "MSFlexGrid1" Then
'If MSFlexGrid1.Rows > 1 Then
If cboStatus.ListIndex = 2 Then Form1.CheckFixByDue
'dont run this again if its already happened
'End If
End If
'Form1.MSFlexGrid1.CellBackColor = vbRed
'Re-enable screen updates (if was previously enabled)
.Redraw = booOldRedraw
'Force a redraw of the grid
MSFlexGrid1.Row = iCurrentRow
MSFlexGrid1.TopRow = iTopRow
MSFlexGrid1.RowSel = iCurrentRow
MSFlexGrid1.Col = 0
MSFlexGrid1.ColSel = .Cols - 1
'MSFlexGrid1.ColAlignment(6) = flexAlignLeftCenter
End With
'If Status = InProgess and there are no rows on the grid check the fixby date
'is in the past
'If MSFlexGrid1.Rows <> 2 Then
' If cboStatus.ListIndex = 2 Then CheckFixByDue
'dont run this again if its already happened
'End If
Exit Sub
Here is the code the changes the row colours
Public Sub CheckFixByDue()
'This higlights jobs that should have been completed up to the end of last week
'so that the users have an easy way of identifying them
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim currentrow As Long
Dim FixBydate As Date
Dim i As Integer
Dim i2 As Integer
currentrow = 0
currentrow = MSFlexGrid1.Row
If currentrow = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please select a row", vbInformation, MsgBoxCaption
Exit Sub
End If
'Loop through every record, check the fixby column, if fixBydate is before today
'set the colour of that row/record to another color, by looping form col 0 to end
'N.B. row = current row, rows = total number of rows
With MSFlexGrid1
For i = 1 To .Rows - 1
FixBydate = IIf(.TextMatrix(i, 8) = "", Format("31/12/2999", "DD/MM/YYYY"), .TextMatrix(i, 8)) 'v.1.4.4 Checks is no rows returned and exits sub
If FixBydate = "31/12/2999" Then
Exit Sub
End If
If FixBydate < Date Then
'change the rows colour
.Row = i
For i2 = 0 To .Cols - 1
.Col = i2
.CellBackColor = QBColor(14)
Next i2
End If
Next i
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
"Error Description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
"Error Source: " & Me.Name & "." & "CheckFixByDue", _
vbCritical, MsgBoxCaption & ": Error"
Call GlobalErr(Err.Number, Err.Description, Me.Name, "CheckFixByDue")
And here is my refresh code:
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Static TimerCounter As Long
TimerCounter = TimerCounter + 1
If TimerCounter Mod 10 = 0 Then
iTopRow = MSFlexGrid1.TopRow
iCurrentRow = MSFlexGrid1.Row
Call RunMainSql(SelectedBranch, SelectedStatus, SelectedArea, SelectedContractor, Form1.MSFlexGrid1)
'If cboStatus.ListIndex = 2 Then CheckFixByDue
TimerCounter = 0
End If
End Sub
Can anyone see what might be causing the error? Your help will be greatly appreciated; it will stop my users from nagging me for a start!