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MSCHART Problem using ADO recordset and MS Access

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Technical User
Jan 10, 2011
I am having difficulty displaying data in an MSChart control via an ADO recordset where the data is retreived iteratively using an ADO recordset connected to an Access database. The context is a student assessment database which stores "Surname", Attainment, Effort and Behaviour in a single MS Access 97 table 'tblAssessment'. The program iterates through the database records (rows) and retreives data for display in the MS Chart - 'MSChart'.

Problem is the X-Axis labels corectly show the first (and only) 10 surnames, but then 'adds' 'R1' as the 11th Label! The Y Axis values for the data set are not sensible. The chart seems calibrated 0-100, displaying data values up to about this value. Yet, the data values can only vary (integers) between 1 and 4.

If I connect the MS Chart to an ADO data control. set the parameters and bind the MS Chart object to this the data is displayed OK. But, I need my solution to develop to take control over the data displayed and that is why I would like my algorithm to work.

Hope you can help.
In anticipation, many thanks

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rsAssessment = New ADODB.Recordset
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= " & "C:\temp\dbChartPrimer.mdb" & " ;Persist Security Info = false"

rsAssessment.Open ("SELECT Surname, Effort, Attainment,Behaviour FROM tblAssessment"), conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

Dim i As Integer

i = 1

MSChart.RowCount = 1
MSChart.RowLabelCount = 1
MSChart.Title = "Assessment - Year 7"

With rsAssessment
        Do While Not .EOF
            MSChart.Row = i
            MSChart.Data = .Fields("Effort")
            MSChart.RowLabel = .Fields("Surname")
            MSChart.RowCount = MSChart.RowCount + 1
            MSChart.RowLabelCount = MSChart.RowLabelCount + 1
         i = i + 1

End With


Set conn = Nothing

End Sub
I'll revisit this when I get more time, but at first blush: is Jet.OLEDB.4.0 compatible with Access 97? I was thinking 97 used 3.2 or something earlier. Probably doesn't matter but might be worth a try modifying your connection string...

Gluais faicilleach le cupan làn
With regard to JET 4.0 compatibility - it seems OK. I have no issues with ADO recordset programming using this interface engine with the legacy Access 97 database. As a temporary workaround (and this does work), I have set an SQL String literal to extract the X/Y data to display in the MS Chart, then assign the literal to the ADO recordsource property. Selections are made using a combo drop down list. In this case a ADODC control is used on the form and the MSChart control is bound to this object. Perhaps this is the way ahead?

strSQL_Literal = cboADORecordSourceCondition.Text
Select Case strSQL_Literal
    Case "Effort Only"
        strSQL_Literal = "Select Surname, Effort FROM tblAssessment"
        MSChart.Title = "Year 7 Effort"
        lblMessage.Caption = "The average behaviour indicator for this class is: " & Format(EffortAverage, "#.##")
    Case "Attainment Only"
        strSQL_Literal = "Select Surname, Attainment FROM tblAssessment"
        MSChart.Title = "Year 7 Attainment"
    Case "Behaviour Only"
        strSQL_Literal = "Select Surname, Behaviour FROM tblAssessment"
        MSChart.Title = "Year 7 Behaviour"
    Case "All Assessment Parameters"
        strSQL_Literal = "Select * FROM tblAssessment"
        MSChart.Title = "Year 7 Assessment Data" & Date
End Select

adoAssessment.RecordSource = strSQL_Literal
The Jet 4.0 Provider can work fine autodetecting a Jet 3.5 MDB file. It can even create new ones if you specify the old Engine Type in the connection string.
Many thanks for both posts. Following on from last post - I will now use 3.5 engine with my ADO programming.
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