not having any luck with this at all.
this code seems to show only the top of the document.
there is a lot more at the bottom.
the child of the top, only then its done.
What am I missing?
I want to see the values of the <mm
ropertyGroup name="MT-World Group"> the keys and values
I have this VB6 code
it produces this output at debug.print
here is a the top some few lines of my XML
I want to see the values of the <mm
ropertyGroup name="MT-World Group"> the keys and values
such as SSN = 234-02-3003
DougP, MCP, A+
this code seems to show only the top of the document.
there is a lot more at the bottom.
the child of the top, only then its done.
What am I missing?
I want to see the values of the <mm
I have this VB6 code
Dim DocXml As DOMDocument50
Set DocXml = New DOMDocument50
Dim objXMLSearchElements As IXMLDOMSelection
Dim objXMLSearchElement As IXMLDOMElement
Dim nod, atrib As Object
DocXml.Load "C:\VBSafeSource\CURRENT ACTIVITY\Document9.xml"
For Each nod In DocXml.childNodes
Debug.Print nod.NodeName
For Each atrib In nod.Attributes
Debug.Print "atrib.baseName " & atrib.baseName
Debug.Print "atrib.Value " & atrib.Value
atrib.baseName version
atrib.Value 1.0
atrib.baseName xmlns
atrib.Value urn:hl7-org:v3
atrib.baseName cda
atrib.Value urn:hl7-org:v3
atrib.baseName mm
atrib.Value [URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
atrib.baseName test
atrib.Value test
atrib.baseName voc
atrib.Value urn:hl7-org:v3/voc
atrib.baseName xsi
atrib.Value [URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
atrib.baseName hasNormals
atrib.baseName isSplitJobs
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ClinicalDocument xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" xmlns:cda="urn:hl7-org:v3" xmlns:mm="[URL unfurl="true"]"[/URL] xmlns:test="test"
xmlns:voc="urn:hl7-org:v3/voc" xmlns:xsi="[URL unfurl="true"]"[/URL] mm:hasNormals="" mm:isSplitJobs="">[red] STOPS SHOWING HERE[/RED]
<id extension="B~ClinicalDocument_999999" root="2.16.840.1.99999.9.99.9999.999.9999.99999.9999.9.99"/>
<title>General Medicine Report</title>
<versionNumber value="5"/>
<mm:title code="5005" name="Past Surgical History"/>
<mm:title code="5008" name="Family History"/>
<mm:title code="5012" name="Review of Systems"/>
<mm:title code="5010" name="Current Medications"/>
<mm:title code="5011" name="Allergies"/>
<mm:propertyGroup name="MT-World Group"><mm:property key="PatientPrefix" value="" type="0"/><mm:property key="PatientGiven" value="Fred" type="0"/><mm:property key="PatientFamily" value="Flintstone" type="0"/><mm:property key="PatientSuffix" value="" type="0"/><mm:property key="SSN" value="234-02-3003" type="0"/><mm:property key="Sex" value="M" type="0"/><mm:property key="MRN" value="" type="0"/><mm:property key="BillingNum" value="19929" type="0"/><mm:property key="DocType" value="2" type="0"/><mm:property key="ServiceDT" value="10-23-2004" type="0"/><mm:property key="AdmitDate" value="10-24-2004" type="0"/><mm:property key="OperDT" value="10-25-2004" type="0"/><mm:property key="DischargeDT" value="10-26-2004" type="0"/><mm:property key="DictID" value="803" type="0"/><mm:property key="DictatorPrefix" value="" type="0"/><mm:property key="DictatorGiven" value="" type="0"/><mm:property key="DictatorFamily" value="232422" type="0"/><mm:property key="DictatorSuffix" value="" type="0"/><mm:property key="DictDate" value="10-27-2004" type="0"/><mm:property key="DictTime" value="12:34" type="0"/><mm:property key="Procedure" value="3" type="0"/><mm:property key="Accession" value="232422" type="0"/><mm:property key="PhysNums" value="2" type="0"/><mm:property key="NumCopies" value="1" type="0"/><mm:property key="ReptStatus" value="2" type="0"/><mm:property key="JobId" value="99299292" type="0"/><mm:property key="ReferName" value="Sally" type="0"/><mm:property key="Company" value="MERCY" type="0"/><mm:property key="FullXMLFileName" value="" type="0"/></mm:propertyGroup></mm:customerADT>
I want to see the values of the <mm
such as SSN = 234-02-3003
DougP, MCP, A+