I am trying to create flowchart in visio from a data stored in a database. Basically its the job flow from a system and i am trying to create flow charts based upon the table data. I tried following the visio instructions and it does not seem to work the way i want it to. Can some tell me how to perform this task or point me to a documentation website or email me a sample that would be great. my email is ... Once again thank you for all the Masters out there
I am trying to create flowchart in visio from a data stored in a database. Basically its the job flow from a system and i am trying to create flow charts based upon the table data. I tried following the visio instructions and it does not seem to work the way i want it to. Can some tell me how to perform this task or point me to a documentation website or email me a sample that would be great. my email is ... Once again thank you for all the Masters out there