Quick question for you guru's out there. I have a CPA firm that needs to have scheduling capabilities using Outlook. IE. the secretary needs to be able to schedule appointments for different folks in the office. Not a problem right? Well there's a hitch. Pretty much everyone in the office uses Palm Pilots to manage day to day schedules. They hotsync between outlook's schedule and the palm pilot now. Now I can copy their schedules to a public store and the secretary can schedule them all day long for appointments. However the hotsync software hotsync's the standard personal folder schedule. Not the shared public folder schedule I've created for them. Is there anyway to get the public folder schedule setup as the primary personal folder schedule? Or is there another solution I'm not seeing here?
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
-Christien Brunquist
ComputerWerks Inc.
Quick question for you guru's out there. I have a CPA firm that needs to have scheduling capabilities using Outlook. IE. the secretary needs to be able to schedule appointments for different folks in the office. Not a problem right? Well there's a hitch. Pretty much everyone in the office uses Palm Pilots to manage day to day schedules. They hotsync between outlook's schedule and the palm pilot now. Now I can copy their schedules to a public store and the secretary can schedule them all day long for appointments. However the hotsync software hotsync's the standard personal folder schedule. Not the shared public folder schedule I've created for them. Is there anyway to get the public folder schedule setup as the primary personal folder schedule? Or is there another solution I'm not seeing here?
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
-Christien Brunquist
ComputerWerks Inc.