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MS Graph Issue Driving Me Nutz!

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Jul 29, 2005
I'm using Access 2003

I have a form named Plot that is from an older version of Access that I need to convert into a subform on the new application.

I can convert everything successfully and I don't get any errors. However, when I make changes to the underlying objects and queries, I cannot get the hastitle property of ms graph to work. Its weird, because the underlying datasheet is identical to the old. I cannot even just set the title and put in some test characters for a title.

The specific error I get is:
access run time error 1004 unable to set the hastitle property of the chart class.

I have not changed anything from the old code. Here's where it blows up in the new code:
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].HasTitle = True

Below is the old code functin followed by the new function. Does anyone see a problem with the new code?
old code:
Private Sub MakePlot_Click()
    Dim db As Database
    Dim qry As QueryDef
    Dim rs As Recordset
    Dim strT As String
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim varitem As Variant

    Set db = CurrentDb()
    DoCmd.Hourglass True
'load query
    Set qry = db.QueryDefs("qryJoin-Plot")
    strSQL = "SELECT "
    strSQL = strSQL & "  Data.[Site ID]"
    strSQL = strSQL & ", Data_1.[Site ID]"
    strSQL = strSQL & ", Data.[Sediment Spatial Group Short Code]"
    strSQL = strSQL & ", Data_1.[Sediment Spatial Group Short Code]"
    strSQL = strSQL & ", Data.[Organism Latin Name]"
    strSQL = strSQL & ", Data_1.[Organism Latin Name]"
    strSQL = strSQL & ", Data.[Biota Tissue]"
    strSQL = strSQL & ", Data.[Biota Age Class]"
    strSQL = strSQL & ", Data_1.[Biota Tissue]"
    strSQL = strSQL & ", Data_1.[Biota Age Class]"
    strSQL = strSQL & ", Data.BSAF"
    strSQL = strSQL & ", Data_1.BSAF"
    strSQL = strSQL & ", Data_1.Chemical"

    strSQL = strSQL & " FROM Data , Data AS Data_1 "
    strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE "
    strSQL = strSQL & " (((Data.[Site ID])="
    strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteI] & Chr(34)
    strSQL = strSQL & ") AND ((Data_1.[Site ID])="
    strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteII] & Chr(34)

' Determine number of locations selected
    If [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIL].ItemsSelected.Count <= 0 Then
        MsgBox ("No location selected for Site I")
        DoCmd.Hourglass False
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIL].ItemsSelected.Count <= 0 Then
        MsgBox ("No location selected for Site II")
        DoCmd.Hourglass False
        Exit Sub
    End If
    i = 0
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIL].ItemsSelected
      If i = 0 Then
        strSQL = strSQL & ") AND ((Data.[Sediment Spatial Group Short Code])="
        strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIL].ItemData(varitem) & Chr(34)
        i = 1
        strSQL = strSQL & " OR (Data.[Sediment Spatial Group Short Code])="
        strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIL].ItemData(varitem) & Chr(34)
      End If
    Next varitem
    i = 0
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIL].ItemsSelected
      If i = 0 Then
        strSQL = strSQL & ") AND ((Data_1.[Sediment Spatial Group Short Code])="
        strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIL].ItemData(varitem) & Chr(34)
        i = 1
        strSQL = strSQL & " OR (Data_1.[Sediment Spatial Group Short Code])="
        strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIL].ItemData(varitem) & Chr(34)
      End If
    Next varitem
' Determine number of species selected
    If [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].ItemsSelected.Count <= 0 Then
        MsgBox ("No species selected for Site I")
        DoCmd.Hourglass False
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].ItemsSelected.Count <= 0 Then
        MsgBox ("No species selected for Site II")
        DoCmd.Hourglass False
        Exit Sub
    End If
' Put in organisms
    i = 0
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].ItemsSelected
      If i = 0 Then
        strSQL = strSQL & ") AND ((Data.[Organism Latin Name])="
        strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(2, varitem) & Chr(34)
        i = 1
        strSQL = strSQL & " OR (Data.[Organism Latin Name])="
        strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(2, varitem) & Chr(34)
      End If
    Next varitem
    i = 0
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].ItemsSelected
      If i = 0 Then
        strSQL = strSQL & ") AND ((Data_1.[Organism Latin Name])="
        strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(2, varitem) & Chr(34)
        i = 1
        strSQL = strSQL & " OR (Data_1.[Organism Latin Name])="
        strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(2, varitem) & Chr(34)
      End If
    Next varitem
' Put in biota tissues
    i = 0
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].ItemsSelected
      If i = 0 Then
        strSQL = strSQL & ") AND ((Data.[Biota Tissue])="
        strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(3, varitem) & Chr(34)
        i = 1
        strSQL = strSQL & " OR (Data.[Biota Tissue])="
        strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(3, varitem) & Chr(34)
      End If
    Next varitem
    i = 0
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].ItemsSelected
      If i = 0 Then
        strSQL = strSQL & ") AND ((Data_1.[Biota Tissue])="
        strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(3, varitem) & Chr(34)
        i = 1
        strSQL = strSQL & " OR (Data_1.[Biota Tissue])="
        strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(3, varitem) & Chr(34)
      End If
    Next varitem
' Put in biota age classes
    i = 0
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].ItemsSelected
      If IsNull([Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(4, varitem)) Or _
        [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(4, varitem) = "" Then
        If i = 0 Then
          strSQL = strSQL & ") AND ((Data.[Biota Age Class])="
          strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(4, varitem) & Chr(34)
          i = 1
          strSQL = strSQL & " OR (Data.[Biota Age Class])="
          strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(4, varitem) & Chr(34)
        End If
      End If
    Next varitem
    i = 0
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].ItemsSelected
      If IsNull([Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(4, varitem)) Or _
        [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(4, varitem) = "" Then
        If i = 0 Then
          strSQL = strSQL & ") AND ((Data_1.[Biota Age Class])="
          strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(4, varitem) & Chr(34)
          i = 1
          strSQL = strSQL & " OR (Data_1.[Biota Age Class])="
          strSQL = strSQL & Chr(34) & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(4, varitem) & Chr(34)
        End If
      End If
    Next varitem
    strSQL = strSQL & ") AND ((Data_1.Chemical)=[Data].[Chemical]));"

    Open "test.txt" For Output As #1
    Write #1, strSQL
    Close #1

    qry.SQL = strSQL
    Set rs = qry.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot)
    J = 0
    Do While Not rs.EOF
        J = J + 1
    If J = 0 Then
        MsgBox ("No chemicals in common between selected species")
        Set qry = Nothing
        Set rs = Nothing
        Set db = Nothing
        DoCmd.Hourglass False
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set qry = Nothing
    Set rs = Nothing

    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].Hastitle = True
      strT = ""
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteI].ItemsSelected
      strT = strT & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteI].Column(1, varitem)
    Next varitem
      strT = strT & "  vs  "
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteII].ItemsSelected
      strT = strT & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteII].Column(1, varitem)
    Next varitem
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].charttitle.Text = strT
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].charttitle.Font.Size = 8
    strT = ""
    i = 0
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].ItemsSelected
      If i > 0 Then
         strT = strT & " & "
      End If
      i = i + 1
      strT = strT & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(0, varitem) & "-" _
             & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(1, varitem) & "-" _
             & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(3, varitem) & "-" _
             & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(4, varitem)
    Next varitem
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(1).Hastitle = True
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(1).AxisTitle.Font.Size = 8
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(1).AxisTitle.Text = strT
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(1).TickLabels.Font.Size = 8
    strT = ""
    i = 0
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].ItemsSelected
      If i > 0 Then
         strT = strT & " & "
      End If
      i = i + 1
      strT = strT & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(0, varitem) & "-" _
             & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(1, varitem) & "-" _
             & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(3, varitem) & "-" _
             & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(4, varitem)
    Next varitem
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(2).Hastitle = True
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(2).AxisTitle.Font.Size = 8
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(2).AxisTitle.Text = strT
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(2).TickLabels.Font.Size = 8

    Set db = Nothing
    DoCmd.Hourglass False

End Sub
New Code:
Option Compare Database

Public SiteID1 As String
Public ShortCodes1 As String
Public SiteID2 As String
Public ShortCodes2 As String
Public Org1RecIDs As String
Public Org2RecIDs As String

Private Sub MakePlot_Click()

    Dim db As Database
    Dim qry As QueryDef
    Dim rs As Recordset
    Dim strT As String
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim varitem As Variant
    Dim ErrMsg As String

    Set db = CurrentDb()
    DoCmd.Hourglass True
    ErrMsg = "The following error(s) Have occured:"
    If SiteID1 = "" Then
        ErrMsg = ErrMsg & vbNewLine & "No location selected for Site 1"
    End If
    If SiteID2 = "" Then
        ErrMsg = ErrMsg & vbNewLine & "No location selected for Site 2"
    End If
    If Org1RecIDs = "" Then
        ErrMsg = ErrMsg & vbNewLine & "No organisms selected for Site 1"
    End If
    If Org2RecIDs = "" Then
        ErrMsg = ErrMsg & vbNewLine & "No organisms selected for Site 2"
    End If
    'If Me.lstCommonChem.ListCount = 1 Then
        'ErrMsg = ErrMsg & vbNewLine & "No chemicals in common"
    'End If
    If ErrMsg <> "The following error(s) Have occured:" Then
        GoTo Exit_MakePlot_Click
    End If
    strSQL = "SELECT d.[Site ID],d2.[Site ID],d.[Sediment Spatial Group Short Code],"
    strSQL = strSQL & "d2.[Sediment Spatial Group Short Code],d.[Organism Latin Name],"
    strSQL = strSQL & "d2.[Organism Latin Name],d.[Biota Tissue],d.[Biota Age Class],"
    strSQL = strSQL & "d2.[Biota Tissue],d2.[Biota Age Class],d.BSAF,d2.BSAF,d2.Chemical "
    strSQL = strSQL & "d.[Site ID] = " & SiteID1 & " AND d2.[Site ID] = " & SiteID2 & " "
    If ShortCodes1 <> "" And ShortCodes2 <> "" Then
        strSQL = strSQL & "AND d.[Sediment Spatial Group Short Code] IN(" & ShortCodes1 & ") "
        strSQL = strSQL & "AND d2.[Sediment Spatial Group Short Code] IN(" & ShortCodes2 & ") "
    End If
    If Org1RecIDs <> "" And Org2RecIDs <> "" Then
        strSQL = strSQL & "AND d.Rec_ID IN(" & Org1RecIDs & ") "
        strSQL = strSQL & "AND d2.Rec_ID IN(" & Org2RecIDs & ") "
    End If

    ' If window is open, close it
    DoCmd.Close acQuery, "qryJoin-Plot", acSaveNo
    'load query
    Set qry = db.QueryDefs("qryJoin-Plot")
    qry.SQL = strSQL
    Set qry = Nothing

    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].HasTitle = True
      strT = ""
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteI].ItemsSelected
      strT = strT & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteI].Column(1, varitem)
    Next varitem
      strT = strT & "  vs  "
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteII].ItemsSelected
      strT = strT & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteII].Column(1, varitem)
    Next varitem
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].ChartTitle.Text = strT
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].ChartTitle.Font.Size = 8
    MsgBox strT
    strT = ""
    i = 0
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].ItemsSelected
      If i > 0 Then
         strT = strT & " & "
      End If
      i = i + 1
      strT = strT & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(0, varitem) & "-" _
             & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(1, varitem) & "-" _
             & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(3, varitem) & "-" _
             & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIS].Column(4, varitem)
    Next varitem
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(1).HasTitle = True
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(1).AxisTitle.Font.Size = 8
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(1).AxisTitle.Text = strT
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(1).TickLabels.Font.Size = 8
    strT = ""
    i = 0
    For Each varitem In [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].ItemsSelected
      If i > 0 Then
         strT = strT & " & "
      End If
      i = i + 1
      strT = strT & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(0, varitem) & "-" _
             & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(1, varitem) & "-" _
             & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(3, varitem) & "-" _
             & [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![lstSiteIIS].Column(4, varitem)
    Next varitem
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(2).HasTitle = True
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(2).AxisTitle.Font.Size = 8
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(2).AxisTitle.Text = strT
    [Forms]![TabMenu]![Plot]![plotofdata].axes(2).TickLabels.Font.Size = 8



    If ErrMsg <> "The following error(s) Have occured:" Then
        MsgBox ErrMsg
    End If
    Set db = Nothing
    DoCmd.Hourglass False
End Sub
How are ya jamez05 . . .

Since your switching to a subform, realize your changing form referencing here.

If your code is running in the mainform:
[blue][subFormName].Form![ChartObjectName].HasTitle = True[/blue]
If you code is running in the subform:
[blue]Me![ChartObjectName].HasTitle = True[/blue]

See Ya! . . . . . .

Be sure to see thread181-473997
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Part and Inventory Search

