I currently have each sales rep's information in separate tabs, each of which is named a rep's last name. Now, I'd like to set up a single summary sheet. Is there a way to use the cell containing the rep's name in the formulas to substitute for the tab name?
ex: =A1!B6
A1 is the cell in the summary sheet containing "Smith"
B6 is the cell on the Smith tab
=A1!B6 doesn't work, it opens an 'Update values' dialog...
Let them hate - so long as they fear... Lucius Accius
ex: =A1!B6
A1 is the cell in the summary sheet containing "Smith"
B6 is the cell on the Smith tab
=A1!B6 doesn't work, it opens an 'Update values' dialog...
Let them hate - so long as they fear... Lucius Accius