I have some code that i use to print a report and after the report it goes out to print a tif image with a 3rd part exe. The tif image is being printed across the internet so it could take a few seconds or 2 or 3 minutes...depending on the size of the image. The report has multiple records and it prints 1 record then the tif image(s) then loops back and goes to record 2 and the tif images that goes with it. How do i get it to pause and wait till it is finished printing that tif image before it goes and prints the next record of the ms report?
My code:
Private Sub Print_Click()
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim temp As String
Dim svrname As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("imagepaths", dbOpenDynaset)
svrname = fOSMachineName
If rst.EOF = True And rst.BOF = True Then
Exit Sub
temp = "0"
Do Until rst.EOF = True
If temp <> rst![CLAIMNO] Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "Claim_Assembler1", acViewNormal, , "[CLAIMNO2]=" & rst![CLAIMNO2]
Delay 5
End If
If Right(LTrim(RTrim(rst![IMAGEPATH])), 3) = "TIF" Or Right(LTrim(RTrim(rst![IMAGEPATH])), 3) = "JPG" Then
'usbPrintFile rst![ImagePath]
ShellandWait ("\\" & svrname & "\Imdex\ImdexPrintFitPageLandscape.exe " & rst![IMAGEPATH])
'Delay 3
End If
temp = rst![CLAIMNO]
End If
End Sub
My code:
Private Sub Print_Click()
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim temp As String
Dim svrname As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("imagepaths", dbOpenDynaset)
svrname = fOSMachineName
If rst.EOF = True And rst.BOF = True Then
Exit Sub
temp = "0"
Do Until rst.EOF = True
If temp <> rst![CLAIMNO] Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "Claim_Assembler1", acViewNormal, , "[CLAIMNO2]=" & rst![CLAIMNO2]
Delay 5
End If
If Right(LTrim(RTrim(rst![IMAGEPATH])), 3) = "TIF" Or Right(LTrim(RTrim(rst![IMAGEPATH])), 3) = "JPG" Then
'usbPrintFile rst![ImagePath]
ShellandWait ("\\" & svrname & "\Imdex\ImdexPrintFitPageLandscape.exe " & rst![IMAGEPATH])
'Delay 3
End If
temp = rst![CLAIMNO]
End If
End Sub