hi there
anybody here who knows how to start and control the import text wizzard in ms access2000?
or any other way how to import data from a text file into a table
Do you want to start it from within VB? If not open ACCESS, go to the File menu, > Get External Data > Import. If you want to open the file from within vb then access the table,this should get you started:
Dim cnConn as adodb.connection
dim sLine as String
Dim iFileNum as integer
Dim sSQL as string
dim vOne,vTwo,vThree as string
set cnConn = createobject("ADOdb.connection"
iFileNum = Freefile
Open "C:\yourfilepath" For Input As #iFileNum
Do Until EOF(iFileHeader)
Line Input #iFilenum, sLine
'set the variables to your file structure
vOne = Mid$(slIne,2,4)
'vtwo = something
'vthree = something
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