Has anyone tried to use MS Access as Front end on a MySQL Database? I would like to know more about it.
Can any one redirect me to some usefull links or give me some advice about whether this is a good idea ore not.
install MyODBC on your system, then configure it and create a DSN to your MySQL database.
Open blank access database and create a linked tables to your mysql database.
I have just begun experimenting with Access and MySQL and would love to hear what anyone has to say on this topic.
I have MyODBC installed. And it works fine for me. (now that I have MySQL 4.05 installed)
But I'm wondering about using forms. If I have a data entry form that let's you add records. Do I need to use SQL statements? Like 'INSERT INTO' or can you also use the DAO.Recordset?
I have noticed that there is an Add-In for Access on the MySQL website. I don't remember the name of it. But it sounds like it is an Add-In for Access that lets you manage the database. Instead of using MySQL-CC or MySQL-Front.
I'm going to download it myself and try it. But I don't think it's meant to be a development tool, only a DB management tool. (I'll find out)
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Unfortunately, I don't know anything about doing ASP or HTML in Access. If you were doing something in PHP, I might be interested.
My question was more related to using Access as a frontend (forms, reports, etc...) for the MySQL DB.
QatQat, it doesn't sound like you're doing anything like this.
Is there anyone who has had any experience doing any of this sort of thing?
Can you maybe direct us to some links or tutorials on this?
Families can be together forever...
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