Finally pulling an older db into 2010...
For some reason, events aren't working properly with control sources:
For a simple example, this worked fine for years:
[Field Name] = [Control Source]:
MoneyOwed = ClassFee
MoneyPaid = Payment
OwedBalance = Balance
Private Sub LastName_LostFocus()
Me.ClassFee = Form_MainForm.ClassReg (<--NOTE: These are all control sources, not field names!)
Me.Balance = Me.ClassFee - Me.Payment
End Sub
FYI I gave these fields names different than their control sources for some strange formatting reason that I can't remember...
but it worked absolutely fine until I switched to MSAccess 2010.
Now it wants me to switch all my events to just field names:
Private Sub LastName_LostFocus()
Me.MoneyOwed = Form_MainForm.ClassReg (<--NOTE: Switched what it wanted...these are all field names, not control sources!)
Me.OwedBalance = Me.MoneyOwed - Me.MoneyPaid
End Sub
Hope this makes sense...if I have to go in and dig these all out one by one...
I'm imported this db form by form by query by query etc. because it just wasn't stable letting Access convert it. It is otherwise working OK (forms, reports, etc.)
So, how do I set something back to default to whatever it was originally? It used to be somewhat intuitive.
For some reason, events aren't working properly with control sources:
For a simple example, this worked fine for years:
[Field Name] = [Control Source]:
MoneyOwed = ClassFee
MoneyPaid = Payment
OwedBalance = Balance
Private Sub LastName_LostFocus()
Me.ClassFee = Form_MainForm.ClassReg (<--NOTE: These are all control sources, not field names!)
Me.Balance = Me.ClassFee - Me.Payment
End Sub
FYI I gave these fields names different than their control sources for some strange formatting reason that I can't remember...
but it worked absolutely fine until I switched to MSAccess 2010.
Now it wants me to switch all my events to just field names:
Private Sub LastName_LostFocus()
Me.MoneyOwed = Form_MainForm.ClassReg (<--NOTE: Switched what it wanted...these are all field names, not control sources!)
Me.OwedBalance = Me.MoneyOwed - Me.MoneyPaid
End Sub
Hope this makes sense...if I have to go in and dig these all out one by one...
I'm imported this db form by form by query by query etc. because it just wasn't stable letting Access convert it. It is otherwise working OK (forms, reports, etc.)
So, how do I set something back to default to whatever it was originally? It used to be somewhat intuitive.