Hello,<br><br>I am an dutch student who earns for his study money with developping databases in Ms Acces and <br>Visual Fox Pro. <br>A few years ago I have developped an invoice systemin MS Acces, at this moment am I developping an <br>Sales relation system in Visual Foxpro. These two systems are linked by ODBC, this works fine.<br>But I have (i think an syntax problem) with the insert-sqlexec-statement. I want to pass the variabele ln_test<br>in the statement and at first sight is seems to work but when I look in the ms-acces table klanten there is nothing changed. Can someone help me with this statement ?<br><br>Is it maybe also possible to pass a complete array to an single record<br><br>Thanks to evereyone<br><br>(Sorry for my poor englisch)<br><br>ln_klantid = thisform.relatie.value<br>ln_test = "ALBOR1"<br>SELE klanten<br>select klantid,plaats from klanten where klantid = ln_klantid into cursor klant_odbc<br>lnhandle = sqlconnect('factuur')<br>IF lnhandle <= 0<br>MESSAGEBOX('Kan geen verbinding maken', 16, 'SQL Connect Error')<br>ELSE<br>MESSAGEBOX('Verbinding gemaakt', 48, 'SQL Verbinding met facturerings systeem')<br>sqlexec(lnhandle,"insert into klanten (klantid) values "+; ln_test))<br><br>*** Above statement has the problem<br><br>SQLDISCONNECT(lnhandle)<br>ENDIF<br>