MQSeries Java classes could not be located at Configuration Manager startup
Machine : W2K Professional
Under System Network Identification- the computer is part of a WORKGROUP
LoopBack Adapter successfully installed
Only one Queue Manager - QM_immachi
CLASSPATH=.;E:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\;E:\Program Fil
es\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\;E:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\li
b\jms.jar;E:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\jndi.jar;E:\Program Files\IBM\M
PATH=E:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\Bin;E:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\L
ib;E:\WINNT\system32;E:\WINNT;E:\WINNT\System32\Wbem;.;E:\Program Files\MQSeries
\tools\c\samples\bin;E:\Program Files\MQSeries\bin;E:\PROGRA~1\IBMMQS~1.1\bin;E:
Using userid Administrator
Installed MQSeries v5.2
Applied CSD05 - U200169A
Installed MA88 - MQSeries classes for Java and JMS
Using userid db2admin (part of Administrators, mqbrasgn,mqbrdevt,mqbrkrs,mqbrops,mqbrtpic,mqm)
Installed MQSIv2.0.1
Apllied CSD U200176
Configured all 3 Databases for DB2 v6.1
Configured ODBC
Created ConfigMgr and MQSI_SAMPLE_BROKER using userid - db2admin
MQSILIST results:
BIP8099I: ConfigMgr - QM_immachi
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
ConfigMgr and MQSI_SAMPLE_BROKER was created on QMgr - QM_immachi
successfully able to start ConfigMgr and MQSI_SAMPLE_BROKER
QM_immachi listener is boun to port 1414
mqsilcc 2 gives the following error messages
Unable to load message catalog - mqji
security properties not found. using defaults.
mqsiformatlog provides the following error messages
- <Trace timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.235000" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter" text="MQ Java client trace file:">
<Insert type="string">E:/Program Files/IBM MQSeries Integrator 2.0.1/log/ControlCenter.ControlCenter.trace.mqJavaClient</Insert>
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Trace timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.235000" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter" text="Turning on MQ Java client tracing - level 5">
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Trace timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.275999" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter" text="locale name :">
<Insert type="string">en_US</Insert>
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Trace timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.275999" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter" text="ccsid :">
<Insert type="string">819</Insert>
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Trace timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.336000" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter" text="NoClassDefFoundError caught:">
<Insert type="string">java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/security/PrivilegedAction</Insert>
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Trace timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.865999" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter" text="BIP1361S: Unable to locate MQSeries Java classes. When connecting to the MQSeries queue manager at Configuration Manager startup, the MQSeries Java classes could not be located. The Control Center is unable to communicate with the Configuration Manager. Ensure that the required level of MQSeries Java classes are installed and have been correctly added to the classpath. You must also ensure that the userid under which you are running has permission to access the directory where the MQSeries Java classes are installed. If you do not have permission, either change the permissions on the directory or add your userid to the Administrators group.">
<Insert type="string">0</Insert>
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Exit timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.875999" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter">
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Entry timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.875999" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter">
<Insert type="string">BIP1361S: Unable to locate MQSeries Java classes. When connecting to the MQSeries queue manager at Configuration Manager startup, the MQSeries Java classes could not be located. The Control Center is unable to communicate with the Configuration Manager. Ensure that the required level of MQSeries Java classes are installed and have been correctly added to the classpath. You must also ensure that the userid under which you are running has permission to access the directory where the MQSeries Java classes are installed. If you do not have permission, either change the permissions on the directory or add your userid to the Administrators group. : 0</Insert>
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
Machine : W2K Professional
Under System Network Identification- the computer is part of a WORKGROUP
LoopBack Adapter successfully installed
Only one Queue Manager - QM_immachi
CLASSPATH=.;E:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\;E:\Program Fil
es\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\;E:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\li
b\jms.jar;E:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\lib\jndi.jar;E:\Program Files\IBM\M
PATH=E:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\Bin;E:\Program Files\IBM\MQSeries\Java\L
ib;E:\WINNT\system32;E:\WINNT;E:\WINNT\System32\Wbem;.;E:\Program Files\MQSeries
\tools\c\samples\bin;E:\Program Files\MQSeries\bin;E:\PROGRA~1\IBMMQS~1.1\bin;E:
Using userid Administrator
Installed MQSeries v5.2
Applied CSD05 - U200169A
Installed MA88 - MQSeries classes for Java and JMS
Using userid db2admin (part of Administrators, mqbrasgn,mqbrdevt,mqbrkrs,mqbrops,mqbrtpic,mqm)
Installed MQSIv2.0.1
Apllied CSD U200176
Configured all 3 Databases for DB2 v6.1
Configured ODBC
Created ConfigMgr and MQSI_SAMPLE_BROKER using userid - db2admin
MQSILIST results:
BIP8099I: ConfigMgr - QM_immachi
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
ConfigMgr and MQSI_SAMPLE_BROKER was created on QMgr - QM_immachi
successfully able to start ConfigMgr and MQSI_SAMPLE_BROKER
QM_immachi listener is boun to port 1414
mqsilcc 2 gives the following error messages
Unable to load message catalog - mqji
security properties not found. using defaults.
mqsiformatlog provides the following error messages
- <Trace timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.235000" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter" text="MQ Java client trace file:">
<Insert type="string">E:/Program Files/IBM MQSeries Integrator 2.0.1/log/ControlCenter.ControlCenter.trace.mqJavaClient</Insert>
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Trace timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.235000" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter" text="Turning on MQ Java client tracing - level 5">
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Trace timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.275999" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter" text="locale name :">
<Insert type="string">en_US</Insert>
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Trace timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.275999" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter" text="ccsid :">
<Insert type="string">819</Insert>
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Trace timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.336000" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter" text="NoClassDefFoundError caught:">
<Insert type="string">java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/security/PrivilegedAction</Insert>
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Trace timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.865999" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter" text="BIP1361S: Unable to locate MQSeries Java classes. When connecting to the MQSeries queue manager at Configuration Manager startup, the MQSeries Java classes could not be located. The Control Center is unable to communicate with the Configuration Manager. Ensure that the required level of MQSeries Java classes are installed and have been correctly added to the classpath. You must also ensure that the userid under which you are running has permission to access the directory where the MQSeries Java classes are installed. If you do not have permission, either change the permissions on the directory or add your userid to the Administrators group.">
<Insert type="string">0</Insert>
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Exit timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.875999" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter">
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>
- <Entry timestamp="2002-09-18 03:27:26.875999" thread="1904" function="" type="ControlCenter" name="ControlCenter" label="ControlCenter">
<Insert type="string">BIP1361S: Unable to locate MQSeries Java classes. When connecting to the MQSeries queue manager at Configuration Manager startup, the MQSeries Java classes could not be located. The Control Center is unable to communicate with the Configuration Manager. Ensure that the required level of MQSeries Java classes are installed and have been correctly added to the classpath. You must also ensure that the userid under which you are running has permission to access the directory where the MQSeries Java classes are installed. If you do not have permission, either change the permissions on the directory or add your userid to the Administrators group. : 0</Insert>
<Insert type="string">ControlCenter</Insert>