' create the first object to access MQAX code
Set MqS = CreateObject("MQAX200.MqSession")
' access the default queue manager
Set qm = MqS.AccessQueueManager(QMgr)
' access a standard queue that should be there, for output and input
set q = qm.AccessQueue(QName, 16 or 1 ) ' 16 - Output, 1 - Input
sub put_data (inst)
' create a new message object
Set pmsg = MqS.AccessMessage()
' prepare data and write it into the message
ps = inst
pmsg.WriteString ps
' set Put Message Options
Set PMO = MqS.AccessPutMessageOptions()
' now put the message onto the MQSeries queue
q.Put pmsg, PMO
end sub
function get_data
on error resume next
dim outmsg
outmsg = ""
'Loop through the queue until there are no messages left.
Set GMO = MqS.AccessGetMessageOptions()
Set gmsg = MqS.AccessMessage()
'If we know the messageid we can use this feature.
'gmsg.MessageId = pmsg.MessageId
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