Like the subject to this thread says, i would like to know about this topic. i've already gathered the basics (i.e. these directives tell Apache how many threads, processes etc can be run on the machine), but i am little baffled why there are so many of them!
for instance, i can understand "prefork", "worker" and "perchild", but is it REALLY necessary to have WinNT, BeOS, NetWare and OS/2 MPM direcitves when i'm running a Linux web server? or am i totally wrong in my understanding of these settings
Like the subject to this thread says, i would like to know about this topic. i've already gathered the basics (i.e. these directives tell Apache how many threads, processes etc can be run on the machine), but i am little baffled why there are so many of them!
for instance, i can understand "prefork", "worker" and "perchild", but is it REALLY necessary to have WinNT, BeOS, NetWare and OS/2 MPM direcitves when i'm running a Linux web server? or am i totally wrong in my understanding of these settings