I am shopping my data Network.
45 Sites - 3 data centers
Most are 128K - 256K connections on my Current Sprint NVPN network.
The players are:
Sprint with a new MPLS offering
Qwest with a standard MPLS
Verizon Business with the MCI MPLS
AT&T is proposing their "PNT" MPLS (The low end MPLS offering)
AuBeta Networks - Offers a Hybrid DSL / Frame Access (fully Meshed)
Has anyone used or is using the AT&T PNT MPLS Network? Any Opinions?
I know that the other players are offering their MPLS with an In Network Secure Internet Access which is not directly offered with the AT&T PNT solution. Other thoughts?
How about thoughts on Qwest, and or Verizon Business (MCI)?
I am interested in hearing about user experience with the carriers, good and bad.
comments on the features/services ; Customer Support; Billing accuracy; etc. are welcome as well as comments about performance issues.
45 Sites - 3 data centers
Most are 128K - 256K connections on my Current Sprint NVPN network.
The players are:
Sprint with a new MPLS offering
Qwest with a standard MPLS
Verizon Business with the MCI MPLS
AT&T is proposing their "PNT" MPLS (The low end MPLS offering)
AuBeta Networks - Offers a Hybrid DSL / Frame Access (fully Meshed)
Has anyone used or is using the AT&T PNT MPLS Network? Any Opinions?
I know that the other players are offering their MPLS with an In Network Secure Internet Access which is not directly offered with the AT&T PNT solution. Other thoughts?
How about thoughts on Qwest, and or Verizon Business (MCI)?
I am interested in hearing about user experience with the carriers, good and bad.
comments on the features/services ; Customer Support; Billing accuracy; etc. are welcome as well as comments about performance issues.