So I need to move an SE to a different server on a different private and public IP
That's the easy bit
However is I program a J169 (e.g.) with the new HTTP and HTTPS address, it does not download a new 46xxsettings.txt file on reboot.
It just sits there looking to the SIP address it had previously. It's not even trying, nothing HTTP related in monitor.
Is this normal?
Will I have to go a default every single phone?
(Previously using public IP address rather than domain name, and still are for the present)
All remote phones as cloud deployment
So I need to move an SE to a different server on a different private and public IP
That's the easy bit
However is I program a J169 (e.g.) with the new HTTP and HTTPS address, it does not download a new 46xxsettings.txt file on reboot.
It just sits there looking to the SIP address it had previously. It's not even trying, nothing HTTP related in monitor.
Is this normal?
Will I have to go a default every single phone?
(Previously using public IP address rather than domain name, and still are for the present)
All remote phones as cloud deployment