Just 1 movie loaded into another one? In a container clip? On another level?
2 different movies embedded in 1 html? A frameset, with movies in different frames?
I know it's 2 different .swfs, but I figured i'm workin in the .fla's whatever =0p anyhow.
They are two seperate movies right now.
I'm attempting to get one movie to change a javascript variable and the other to read that variable, if the variable changes, do something accordingly...this is what i'm trying...
Code in the button you click in movie 1:
on (release){
set (javascript:changemovie, 1);
Code in the hopeful reading movieclip actionscript:
stop ();
if (javascript:changemovie==1){
_root.gotoAndStop (2);
but it isn't working, so, i'm doing something wrong
So, I got this working no problem, thanks Oldnewbie! Thoes links to the resource sites were terrific!
It was as simple as putting this into my flash button
on (release) {
Although, now I am having another problem I am unsure of. These javascript functions don't work on Mac IE, 5.2? I find this hard to believe, but the mac i'm checking it on is throwing an error at me telling me it doesn't recognize the method.
Although i'm looking around for an answer, any insight would help, thanks!
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