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Moving GP's to new server

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Jan 23, 2002
Hi All,

I'm really stumped on this one. Here's the scoop...

I have an older PC running NT 4.0 and this runs our Dynamics version 5.5 and Pervasive 2000. Now, I have a new box and drives and want to move the existing Dynamics and data to the new box. I was told I could copy everything over and it should work but it didn't. I tried instead to create an image (using DiskImage) and dump it on the new machine and HD. This also created problems. It appears that the client systems can't find the server and always return an error that points to the Translation ID.

Can someone tell me how to move one to the other, properly?

Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Pikk,

I have done this before and come up with similar issues. From what I remember you should give the new machine the same name as the old one. And try to keep the data paths the same.

There are a number of TK's on partner source to help you overcome pathname issues.

Aside from that you could tell your customer that pervasive is crap and they should upgrade to SQL! This dosent always work though.

Thanks JM

I'll give that a try.

I think you need to install Pervasive on the new server. Then you should be able to copy over the data and make the new server named the same as the old one.

Anyway, don't try to copy the PVSW folder. Just install Pervasive over.
Well, I've come up with a small set of steps to move from one server to another server. Even different Server names and directories, cause I was doing this to create test data. I'm running Dynamics 6.0 and Pervasive 2000i. The steps should be much the same in Dynamics 5.5, since this is where it was originated from.

This was modified from the step I used to transfer our data from one Server to another. I assume you have an understanding of Access, and Setting up Pervasive DSN Engines and Clients. Replace \\OldServer\OldDir\ and \\NewServer\NewDir\ with the required fields...

To Move all Dynamics Data from \\OldServer\OldDir\ to \\NewServer\NewDir
1. Make sure everybody is out of Dynamics and any
Programs that reference Dynamics Data.
2. Copy all Data from \\OldServer\OldDir\ to
\\NewServer\NewDir3. On NewServer, add a P.SQL ODBC Engine pointing to
the data in the new location
4. On all clients, in the dex.ini file in the local
Dynamics Directory, change all references to
\\OldServer\OldDir\ to \\NewServer\NewDir5. On all clients, change the P.SQL ODBC Client System
DSN to point to the new Engine you created in step
3 on NewServer.
6. From any changed client, edit the Pathnames table:
a. Create a new Access Database.
b. Create a linked server to table SY02100 in
from the changed P.SQL ODBC Client System
c. Open this table.
d. In Column DTAPTHNM, Change all references
to \\OldServer\OldDir\ to
\\NewServer\NewDir\, keeping all other
e. Pad all data in the DTAPTHNM column to 255
i. Use the following SQL query:
= Left(([dtapthnm] & Space
(255)),255) WHERE
7. Refresh links in all programs that reference the
old Dynamics data location.

Hope that makes some sense.

Good Luck

Oh, I'm also assuming that you have the Directories and Pervasive setup on the new machine already.
Thanks Nick.

I'll be doing the big test this weekend so I'll keep the cheat sheet handy.

Hi Nick

Thanks for the tip but I couldn't get it to fly. I think I will try the other suggestions and just keep everything the same...server name, paths etc. etc.

I did create another post today with the same question.

&quot;Forgot I already had this posting to reply to instead&quot; :))

thnx tnnes!

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