I have this setup right now using the FckEditorV2 (all inherited code and I know classic asp, learning ASP.Net)
in my .aspx file
replaced with
not a problem and the assembly is included at the top of the page, the problem is here in my aspx.cs file
which is called via
How do I get the call FCKeditor txtField in setTextBoxes to use the text box control associated with the ajaxcontroltoolkit HTML Editor rather than the fckEditor? I tried HTMLEditor and anything starting with ajax instead of FCKEditor and none of them seemed to work. Do you need to see more of the code, what am I missing here?
in my .aspx file
<fck:FCKeditor runat="server" ID="txtComments" Width="98%" ToolbarSet="Basic" Visible="false"/>
replaced with
<ajaxEdit:Editor runat="server" ID="txtComments" AutoFocus="false" />
not a problem and the assembly is included at the top of the page, the problem is here in my aspx.cs file
/// <summary>
/// Determines if any of the elements of dv are still in draft mode, if so then assigns it
/// to the past in text box and assigns that records id to the accompaning hident filed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dv">Dataview containint multilpw rows with 2 fields beint "UserText" and "IssueTextID"</param>
/// <param name="txtField">Text box control that is to have text displayed in it if determined a draft mode item</param>
/// <param name="hidField">will contain the data identifying row found from "IssueTextID"</param>
private void setTextBoxes(DataView dv, [b]FCKeditor txtField[/b], HiddenField hidField)
if (dv != null)
foreach (DataRowView drv in dv)
if ((drv["Active"].ToString() == "0") &&
(drv["LastUpdatedBy"].ToString() == servInfo.userInfo.ID))
txtField.Value = drv["UserText"].ToString();
hidField.Value = drv["IssueTextID"].ToString();
which is called via
dv = issue.getDataGrid(IssueText.ActionTypesV2.WORKLOG);
if (!issue.isActive())
setTextBoxes(dv, txtComments, hidCommentsText);
How do I get the call FCKeditor txtField in setTextBoxes to use the text box control associated with the ajaxcontroltoolkit HTML Editor rather than the fckEditor? I tried HTMLEditor and anything starting with ajax instead of FCKEditor and none of them seemed to work. Do you need to see more of the code, what am I missing here?