Ok, let me be long-winded. We are a mid-size organization where I am the sole report designer.
Crystal Version: 8.0
Deployment: Reports are accessed on-demand via a local intranet using the 8.0 Web Component Server in conjunction with locally installed ActiveX Viewers on the users clients.
Our current desire is to move to version 9 at minimal cost, while retaining the functionality the ActiveX Viewer provides. I installed Crystal Enterprise 9 RAS and gave E-Portfolio Lite a test drive, but the report rendering, drilldown, and linking out to sub-reports was not up to par with what the ActiveX Viewer provides. I prefer how the ActiveX Viewer retains the original presentation quality and user-feel that you get when using the report designer.
Version: 9
Deployment: Crystal Enterprise RAS, Standard, Pro?
1. Can you move to version 9 and still utilize the ActiveX viewer or something of similar quality?
If so, does the viewer still need to be installed locally?
To achieve this, what’s the best way to go? CE RAS? CE Standard?
2. Our current licensing is for 5 concurrent users. Does anybody out there understand the current
licensing scheme with all the different versions of CE. My understanding is that with CE RAS or CE Standard the 5 concurrent licenses still hold true. Am I correct in this assumption?
Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
Paul Prevost