I have a script (.ksh on AIX) that connects to a remote server via ftp, does an mget * to capture the files and disconnects. It then does some manipulation of the files on the local machine after which it reconnects to the remote via ftp. At that point I want to move all of the files in the directory to a backup directory (one level below the current directory).
I've read man ftp and looked through the forums here but can't figure out how to do this. Normally I would just archive them on my local machine but the user wants them archived on the source (remote) system also. What a pain!
Thoughts/comments/ideas greatly appreciated.
And thanks in advance, as always.
"My mind is like a steel whatchamacallit ...
I've read man ftp and looked through the forums here but can't figure out how to do this. Normally I would just archive them on my local machine but the user wants them archived on the source (remote) system also. What a pain!
Thoughts/comments/ideas greatly appreciated.
And thanks in advance, as always.
"My mind is like a steel whatchamacallit ...