The steps are pretty straight forwad on article ID 878449. The part that has me very concerned is step 11 where the sql logins are created. It states that if the new server does not have the same name as the old server (which is impossible when the 2 servers are on the same domain) passwords for the users will no longer be valid and they recommend logging in as sa and resetting all the users' passwords.
We have over 50 users! As well, how are the user's database access granted? This script only adds the sql login. We also have 15 companies. If we have to manually reset each password and grant access to each company, I might as well do it all by scratch.
Why is this so difficult? We are running sql 2000 with GP 9. All our other applications are a piece of cake to move over.
We have over 50 users! As well, how are the user's database access granted? This script only adds the sql login. We also have 15 companies. If we have to manually reset each password and grant access to each company, I might as well do it all by scratch.
Why is this so difficult? We are running sql 2000 with GP 9. All our other applications are a piece of cake to move over.