This app includes a form with a pageframe with three overlapping pages, each with a grid displaying up to 9 columns.
Pressing pgUp / PgDn displays the previous or next page - as expected, but there are two problems
1 Moving foward from P1 to P2 or P2 to P3 - the record pointer stays on the same record, as intended, but there's nothing to show where the user is until they press Enter, when the record highlight duly appears. I've tried 'keyboard Enter' in AfterRowVColChange without success.
How can I show the active row without the user needing to press Enter?
2. Returning from P3 to P2 or P2 to P1 doesn't stay on the record in use but moves to the top record displayed .
The code that should move back a page and stay on the same record is in the form's keypress -:
How can I keep the record pointer on the same record when paging backwards?
Pressing pgUp / PgDn displays the previous or next page - as expected, but there are two problems
1 Moving foward from P1 to P2 or P2 to P3 - the record pointer stays on the same record, as intended, but there's nothing to show where the user is until they press Enter, when the record highlight duly appears. I've tried 'keyboard Enter' in AfterRowVColChange without success.
How can I show the active row without the user needing to press Enter?
2. Returning from P3 to P2 or P2 to P1 doesn't stay on the record in use but moves to the top record displayed .
The code that should move back a page and stay on the same record is in the form's keypress -:
if nKeyCode=18 && pgup
if this.pageframe1.activepage=3
GOTO gplace
if this.pageframe1.activepage=2
GOTO gplace