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Note: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
col db new_value sid noprint
accept fr_usr prompt " From user: "
accept to_usr prompt "To user (''=same): "
col fr_usr new_value fr_usr noprint
col to_usr new_value to_usr noprint
col cr_type new_value cr_typ noprint
select UPPER('&&fr_usr') fr_usr
, UPPER(NVL('&&to_usr','&&fr_usr')) to_usr
, name db from v$database;
select decode('&&to_usr','&&fr_usr'
,'Migrate_&&fr_usr','Create_&&to_usr') cr_type from dual;
set pages 0 lin 80 feed off ver off recsep off trims on
set term on
col sq noprint
spo /tmp/&&sid._&&cr_typ..sql
Select username||to_char(100+rownum) sq,
'Create User '||decode('&&to_usr','&&fr_usr'
,u.username||' identified by values '||chr(39)||password||chr(39)
,'&&to_usr identified by &&to_usr'||to_char(sysdate,'DD'))||chr(10)
||' Default tablespace '||default_tablespace||chr(10)
||' Temporary tablespace '||temporary_tablespace||';'||chr(10)
from dba_users u
where username = '&&fr_usr'
Select username||to_char(200+rownum) sq, 'Alter User &&to_usr'
||' quota '||decode(max_bytes,-1,'UNLIMITED',max_bytes/1024||'K')
||' ON '||tablespace_name||';'||chr(10)
from dba_ts_quotas q
where username = '&&fr_usr'
order by 1
spo off
prompt Script is at: /tmp/&&sid._&&cr_typ..sql
Enter value for cr_typ: 'Create User '||decode('&&to_usr','&&fr_usr'
SP2-0333: Illegal spool file name: "/tmp/Select username||to_char(100+rownum) sq,_ 'Create User '||d
SQL> ,u.username||' identified by values '||chr(39)||password||chr(39)
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning ",u.usernam..." - rest of line ignored.
SQL> ,'&&to_usr identified by &&to_usr'||to_char(sysdate,'DD'))||chr(10)
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning ",'&&to_usr..." - rest of line ignored.
SQL> ||' Default tablespace '||default_tablespace||chr(10)
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "||' Def..." - rest of line ignored.
SQL> ||' Temporary tablespace '||temporary_tablespace||';'||chr(10)
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "||' Tem..." - rest of line ignored.
SP2-0044: For a list of known commands enter HELP
and to leave enter EXIT.
SQL> from dba_users u
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "from dba_u..." - rest of line ignored.
SQL> where username = '&&fr_usr'
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "where user..." - rest of line ignored.
SP2-0042: unknown command "UNION" - rest of line ignored.
SQL> Select username||to_char(200+rownum) sq, 'Alter User &&to_usr'
2 ||' quota '||decode(max_bytes,-1,'UNLIMITED',max_bytes/1024||'K')
3 ||' ON '||tablespace_name||';'||chr(10)
4 from dba_ts_quotas q
5 where username = '&&fr_usr'
6 order by 1
7 /
Select username||to_char(200+rownum) sq, 'Alter User select decode('&&to_usr','&&fr_usr''
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
SQL> spo off
not spooling currently
SQL> prompt Script is at: /tmp/&&sid._&&cr_typ..sql
Script is at: /tmp/Select username||to_char(100+rownum) sq,_ 'Create User '||decode('&&to_usr','&&fr
set pagesize 0
set linesize 200
set trimspool on
spool temp_clone_users.sql
select 'set feedback on'||chr(10)||'set echo on'||chr(10)||
'spool temp_clone_users.log'
from dual;
select 'REM ==== Creating User "'||username||'" ============================'||chr(10)||
'create user '||username||' identified by values '''||password||''''||chr(10)||
'default tablespace '||default_tablespace||chr(10)||
'temporary tablespace '||temporary_tablespace||chr(10)||
'quota unlimited on '||default_tablespace||chr(10)||
'grant connect, resource to '||username||chr(10)||
'grant create view to '||username||chr(10)||
from dba_users
order by username
select 'spool off'||chr(10)||'prompt wrote logfile: "temp_clone_users.log"' from dual;
prompt Wrote script 'temp_clone_users.sql'
SQL> @users_clone
set feedback on
set echo on
spool temp_clone_users.log
REM ==== Creating User "YADA4" ============================
create user YADA4 identified by values '12F8EACC8D03829E'
default tablespace DATA1
temporary tablespace TEMP
quota unlimited on DATA1
grant connect, resource to YADA4
grant create view to YADA4
REM ==== Creating User "YADA5" ============================
create user YADA5 identified by values 'C54F3C5E3601C239'
default tablespace DATA1
temporary tablespace TEMP
quota unlimited on DATA1
grant connect, resource to YADA5
grant create view to YADA5
spool off
prompt wrote logfile: "temp_clone_users.log"
Wrote script 'temp_clone_users.sql'
SQL> @temp_clone_users
SQL> spool temp_clone_users.log
SQL> REM ==== Creating User "YADA4" ============================
SQL> create user YADA4 identified by values '12F8EACC8D03829E'
2 default tablespace DATA1
3 temporary tablespace TEMP
4 quota unlimited on DATA1
5 /
User created.
SQL> grant connect, resource to YADA4
2 /
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant create view to YADA4
2 /
Grant succeeded.
SQL> REM ==== Creating User "YADA5" ============================
SQL> create user YADA5 identified by values 'C54F3C5E3601C239'
2 default tablespace DATA1
3 temporary tablespace TEMP
4 quota unlimited on DATA1
5 /
User created.
SQL> grant connect, resource to YADA5
2 /
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant create view to YADA5
2 /
Grant succeeded.
SQL> spool off
SQL> prompt wrote logfile: "temp_clone_users.log"
wrote logfile: "temp_clone_users.log"
def ORATMP=/tmp
cl breaks col
col db new_value sid
select name db from v$database;
set echo off head off pages 0 lin 120 timing off feed off
set termout off verify off trims on recsep off
spool &&ORATMP/&sid._migrate_grants.sql
set termout off
col sq noprint
select 'Grant '||granted_role||' to '||grantee
||decode(admin_option,'YES',' With ADMIN OPTION;',';')||chr(10)
from (
select username
from dba_users u
where lock_date is null
) x, dba_role_privs r
where r.grantee = x.username
and r.grantee not in
order by 1
select 'Grant '||privilege||' to '||grantee
||decode(admin_option,'YES',' With ADMIN OPTION;',';')||chr(10)
from (
select username
from dba_users u
where lock_date is null
) x, dba_sys_privs s
where s.grantee = x.username
and s.grantee not in
order by 1
spool off
-- --------------------------------------
-- db_su.sql : Become another user.
set term off
store set sqlplus_env rep
set pages 0 feed off ver off echo off term off
DEF user=&1
spo temp&1..sql
conn /
select 'alter user &user identified by values '''||password||''';'
from dba_users where username = UPPER('&user')
spo off
alter user &user identified by temp;
connect &user/temp
START temp&1..sql
set term on
-- Set the following to the location (path) of db_su.sql:
def ORASQL=~/dba/scripts/sql
def ORATMP=/tmp
cl breaks col
col db new_value sid
select name db from v$database;
set echo off head off pages 0 lin 120 timing off feed off
set termout off verify off trims on recsep off
col sq noprint
spool &&ORATMP/&sid._migrate_user_grants.sql
select x.rn*10000+p.rn sq,
||'@&&ORASQL/db_su '||x.schema||chr(10),NULL)
decode(p.rn,1,'@&&ORASQL/db_su '||x.schema||chr(10),NULL)
||'Grant '||privilege||' on '||grantor||'.'||table_name
||' to '||grantee||';'||chr(10) sql
from (
select username schema, row_number() over(order by username) rn
from ( select username from dba_users u
where --lock_date is null and
u.username not in
UNION select role from dba_roles )
) x
select grantor, grantee, privilege, table_name
, row_number() over(partition by grantor order by table_name) rn
from dba_tab_privs ) p
where p.grantor=x.schema
order by p.grantor, p.table_name
spo off
set pagesize 0
set linesize 200
set trimspool on
set echo off
set feedback off
spool temp_clone_users_privs.sql
select 'set feedback on'||chr(10)||'set echo on'||chr(10)||
'spool temp_clone_users.log'
from dual;
col grantee noprint
break on grantee skip 1
select 'grant '||privilege||' to '||grantee||';'
from (select grantee, privilege from dba_sys_privs
select grantee, granted_role from dba_role_privs)
and username = grantee
order by username
set termout off
select 'spool off'||chr(10)||'prompt wrote logfile: "temp_clone_users_privs.log"' from dual;
spool off
set termout on
prompt Wrote script 'temp_clone_users_privs.sql'
SQL> @users_privs_clone
set feedback on
set echo on
spool temp_clone_users.log
grant CONNECT to YADA4;
grant RESOURCE to YADA4;
grant CONNECT to YADA5;
grant RESOURCE to YADA5;
Wrote script 'temp_clone_users_privs.sql'
ORA-12560: TNSrotocol adapter error
[Start] -> [Control Panel] -> [System] -> [Advanced] -> [Environment Variables] -> (system Variables frame) [New] -> (Variable Name) "ORACLE_HOME" -> (Variable Value) "<your specific Oracle Home, example: C:\Oracle\Ora8...whatever" -> [OK] -> [OK] -> [OK]
SQL PlusBTW, by what software and entries (exactly) are you attempting to connect from your remote client to the Oracle server?