I want to move to a new record on a subform using a command button on the main, rather than using the scroll bar or the navigation buttons.<br>How do I do this?
What version of Access are you using? You should be able to just choose the button tool from the toolbar, then drop it on the form, and choose The "Go to next Record" from the wizard. <p>John Vogel<br><a href=mailto:johnvogel@homepage.com>johnvogel@homepage.com</a><br><a href=
'add record to sub form<br> Me![Drawings subform].SetFocus<br> DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec<br> <br> 'assign a value to a field in that sub form<br> Me![Drawings subform].Form![DrawingNumber] = ActiveXCtl1.FileName<br><br> 'save the record<br> DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70<br><br> ' Requery the sub form<br> Me![Drawings subform].Requery<br><br>
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