I have done some searching over the last couple of day but have not come up with the answer to this problem.
I want to restore an image to a hard drive, put it in a computer with a different hard ware config, boot it and have it re-install the hard ware (thus up dating the os to the current platform). The OS is win2k
The was an note in the Alfred Poor's column in computer shopper last summer that talked about deleting the enum key from then registry. (I thought it was from hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset and hkey_current_config\system\currentcontrolset) Shut the machine down, move the hard drive and the reboot. Whwn thew os comes back up, it registers the "new" hardware and you are off and running.
If anybody has any info on this or a similar process, I would appreciate a note back.
I want to restore an image to a hard drive, put it in a computer with a different hard ware config, boot it and have it re-install the hard ware (thus up dating the os to the current platform). The OS is win2k
The was an note in the Alfred Poor's column in computer shopper last summer that talked about deleting the enum key from then registry. (I thought it was from hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset and hkey_current_config\system\currentcontrolset) Shut the machine down, move the hard drive and the reboot. Whwn thew os comes back up, it registers the "new" hardware and you are off and running.
If anybody has any info on this or a similar process, I would appreciate a note back.