Have a look at this thread (thread707-268381) and use move instead of copy for the batch file solution. I can't confirm it, as I don't have the necessary help files, but I'm sure that MoveFolder is available in the FileSystemObject.
Sub test()
Dim oFSO As Object
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
oFSO.movefolder "c:\test", "c:\me\"
Set oFSO = Nothing
End Sub
I created the 2 folders "test" & "me" and this code moves "test" into "me" successfully. The problem I had before was omitting the "\" at the end of the destination folder.
If Loomah's solution worked, you should give it a star - click on the "Click here to mark this as a helpful or expert post" - it's the only recognition people get for helping out
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