I am tring to move a file from one folder to the next and I know what the file is I just cant get the code to work. Mis match error. Thanks for any lioght on this
temp = getLastTIF("\\\_file cabnet\temp\")
obj = Right(temp, Len(temp) - InStrRev(temp, "\"))
FilePath = "\\\_file cabnet\" & Right(temp, Len(temp) - InStrRev(temp, "\"))
Set Object = obj
Object.MoveFile("\\\_file cabnet\temp\", "\\\_file cabnet\") = 1
temp = getLastTIF("\\\_file cabnet\temp\")
obj = Right(temp, Len(temp) - InStrRev(temp, "\"))
FilePath = "\\\_file cabnet\" & Right(temp, Len(temp) - InStrRev(temp, "\"))
Set Object = obj
Object.MoveFile("\\\_file cabnet\temp\", "\\\_file cabnet\") = 1