I'm using Flash Pro 8. I have a movie clips titled productsNav_mc that animates in several other movie clips that are acting as my buttons. Inside my productsNav_mc I have my first mc (button) leather_mc. Inside my leather_mc I have my text layer, an arrow layer that is tweened to move the arrow closer to the text on rollover- and back to the original location on rollout, my invisibile button layer, my label layer, and my actions layer. The rollover tween lasts 15 frames and the rollout tween lasts 15 frames. There is a stop action on the 1st frame, and on the 15th frame. I put the actions on my invisible button (top most layer with content.)
Here is my problem. The movie plays correctly if you passively move your mouse over and off of the button. But if you quickly jerk your mouse away the rollover and rolloff events get messed up. They skip the tween part, and go straight to the ending position. How can I fix this glitch to make sure my movie is going to play correctly no matter what the users movements are? I would think the solution would be to increase my inv button size, but I'm limited on space, and I'll run into my other mc's. Please help.
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
getURL("[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.tek-tips.com");[/URL]
Here is my problem. The movie plays correctly if you passively move your mouse over and off of the button. But if you quickly jerk your mouse away the rollover and rolloff events get messed up. They skip the tween part, and go straight to the ending position. How can I fix this glitch to make sure my movie is going to play correctly no matter what the users movements are? I would think the solution would be to increase my inv button size, but I'm limited on space, and I'll run into my other mc's. Please help.