I'm VBAing myself in knots here trying to get a listbox to synchronise with it's parent form from another form...
[highlight]Short version[/highlight]
Why doesn't this work? I want form A to move to the same record that form B was displaying when it closed. Form A must be requeried to reflect changes made on B. Form B's recordsource is the linked table TSite, and Form A's recordsource is a query on TSite... the listbox ListSites needs to show the correct site...
The string ViewedSite always holds the correct code, the rs.findfirst method always find the record, but the form will just not move to it... I've tried various other methods... gotorecord... rs.abosoluteposition... I'm stuck.
[highlight]Long version[/highlight]
I have two forms based on linked tables:
A) F2000SiteManager - which gets its rowsource from SQL on table TSites, and has a listbox (ListSites) which lists all the sites in TSites. Clicking on an item in ListSites shows summary data for the site on this form.
B) F2000SiteDetails - can be opened from F2000SiteManager using a button and shows the full details of the site selected in ListSites. It can also be opened from another button on F2000SiteManager for entering a new record into TSite.
I want A to show the same site before and after B has been opened... sounds easy, eh?
This works fine if just using B to view details of the site selected in A. My problem is that after creating a new site in B, then A and ListSites need to be requeried to show the new site. I have managed to be able to:
i) highlight the correct site in ListSites
ii) move to the correct site on A
My users, rightly so (albeit with limited powers of observation), cannot cope with this, and get thoroughly confused and delete the wrong site etc...
I'm trying to use code in the OnClose sub of form B, a variant follows, the key field/data item in both forms and listbox is SiteCODE:
Here's the code with various experiments remmed incase they spark ideas. This should be easy...
Help me please!...
Pass me the ether.
[highlight]Short version[/highlight]
Why doesn't this work? I want form A to move to the same record that form B was displaying when it closed. Form A must be requeried to reflect changes made on B. Form B's recordsource is the linked table TSite, and Form A's recordsource is a query on TSite... the listbox ListSites needs to show the correct site...
Private Sub Form_Close() 'Form B
Dim ViewedSite As String
Dim frm As New Form_F2000SiteManager 'form A as object
ViewedSite = Me.BoxSiteCODE 'get code for site view/added
'Requery F2000SiteManager & listbox
'ListSites still shows the correct site, but the current
'record is not the first record in TSite (naturally after
'the requery)
'move to the correct record
Dim rs As Object
Set rs = frm.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[SiteCODE] = '" & ViewedSite & "'"
Debug.Print rs.NoMatch
frm.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
'update summary data
End Sub
The string ViewedSite always holds the correct code, the rs.findfirst method always find the record, but the form will just not move to it... I've tried various other methods... gotorecord... rs.abosoluteposition... I'm stuck.
[highlight]Long version[/highlight]
I have two forms based on linked tables:
A) F2000SiteManager - which gets its rowsource from SQL on table TSites, and has a listbox (ListSites) which lists all the sites in TSites. Clicking on an item in ListSites shows summary data for the site on this form.
B) F2000SiteDetails - can be opened from F2000SiteManager using a button and shows the full details of the site selected in ListSites. It can also be opened from another button on F2000SiteManager for entering a new record into TSite.
I want A to show the same site before and after B has been opened... sounds easy, eh?
This works fine if just using B to view details of the site selected in A. My problem is that after creating a new site in B, then A and ListSites need to be requeried to show the new site. I have managed to be able to:
i) highlight the correct site in ListSites
ii) move to the correct site on A
My users, rightly so (albeit with limited powers of observation), cannot cope with this, and get thoroughly confused and delete the wrong site etc...
I'm trying to use code in the OnClose sub of form B, a variant follows, the key field/data item in both forms and listbox is SiteCODE:
Here's the code with various experiments remmed incase they spark ideas. This should be easy...
Private Sub Form_Close()
Dim ViewedSite As String
Dim frm As New Form_F2000SiteManager
ViewedSite = Me.BoxSiteCODE
'Refresh site manager form and recalculate summary info
' Forms!F2000Sitemanager.Refresh
' Forms!F2000sitemanager.ListSites.SetFocus
' Forms!F2000sitemanager.ListSites = ViewedSite
'DoCmd.FindRecord ViewedSite, acEntire, , acSearchAll, , acCurrent, True
' frm.ListSites_AfterUpdate
Dim rs As Object
Set rs = frm.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[SiteCODE] = '" & ViewedSite & "'"
Debug.Print rs.NoMatch
frm.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
'DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "F2000SiteDetails", acFirst, rs.AbsolutePosition
'Call GetSiteSummaryNums 'this mod
'Debug.Print " afterup " & Me.ListSites
Set rs = Nothing
Forms!F2000sitemanager.GetSiteSummaryNums 'in F2000SiteManager
End Sub
Help me please!...
Pass me the ether.