Hi, I am looking for advice on a simple migration from exch2003 to exch2007. Our setup is:- K-12 school with all staff & students with mailboxes(1800 in total). Currently have 1x back end mailbox server with 3 mailbox databases (1xstaff,1xstudents & 1xsupport staff). Most teaching staff & students from year 7 upwards have notebooks & use PST's on the local drives. Balance of staff & students have mailboxes on server. We have 1x front end server in our DMZ and it provides OWA access to mailboxes from outside the school.
I would like to plan a move to exch 2007 and have as simple a config as is possible. How would you advise we set this all up. We are running all our servers as VM's under Vmware esx currently & would like to keep it all that way. Data is stored on an EMC san at present & will also remaion that way.
Trying to find some documentation that gives us simple guidlines to do this has been difficult. We love the KISS principal.
Look forward to your thoughts & advice.
I would like to plan a move to exch 2007 and have as simple a config as is possible. How would you advise we set this all up. We are running all our servers as VM's under Vmware esx currently & would like to keep it all that way. Data is stored on an EMC san at present & will also remaion that way.
Trying to find some documentation that gives us simple guidlines to do this has been difficult. We love the KISS principal.
Look forward to your thoughts & advice.