1. Use the Oracle Export utility to dump the table out of the first database and the Import utility to pull it into the other.
2. Set up a database link between the two databases, then use a CREATE TABLE ... AS ... command to recreate the table in the second database.
If your database link was called db1, then it would look like this:
CREATE TABLE cloned_table AS SELECT * FROM base_table@db1;
Note that method 1 allows you to also transport indexes, triggers, constraints, etc while method #2 only recreates the table structure and then inserts the data. Also, it can generate a lot of network traffic.
You can also use SQPLUS if you can access both databases in the server.
usage: COPY FROM <db> TO <db> <opt> <table> { (<cols>) } USING <sel>
<db> : database string, e.g., scott/tiger@d:chicago-mktg
<opt> : ONE of the keywords: APPEND, CREATE, INSERT or REPLACE
<table>: name of the destination table
<cols> : a comma-separated list of destination column aliases
<sel> : any valid SQL SELECT statement
For example, from sqlplus:
COPY FROM scott/tiger@source_db CREATE new_table USING select * FROM source_table;
"The rule is, not to besiege walled cities if it can possibly be avoided" -- Art of War
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