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Move data from 2 column listbox to another 2 column listbox on double click

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Technical User
Jan 25, 2011
Good morning,

This is my first time to work with userforms and listboxes, and I've been trying for many, many hours to get this to work. I have a userform with 2 listboxes. All I want to do is transfer a single 2-column row of data from listbox1 (a 2-column listbox) when a user double clicks a value over to listbox2 (another 2-column listbox). If the user double clicks 3 different values in listbox1, then each of those 2-column rows would be added as the next available row in listbox2.

Then, when the user has filled listbox2 with the values he/she wants, the user clicks a button that takes each 2-column row in listbox2, concatenates the values with a space between, and pastes them into a range.

Can someone help me, please?
Could you show your code of how you populate listbox1?
And the code of what have you tried to move the data to listbox2?

Have fun.

---- Andy
Hi Andy,

The first lisbox (lbChoose) is populated by using an advanced filter and a dynamic named range on the results.
Here is the code for that:

Private Sub btFind_Click()
Dim j()
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Filter").Range("A2").Value = tbSearchValue.Value
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Sheets("DATA").Range("All_Data").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Sheets _
("Filter").Range("A1:A2"), CopyToRange:=Sheets("DATA").Range("AR1"), Unique:=False
ReDim j(1 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Range("YearMth").Count, 1 To 2)
For x = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DATA").Range("YearMth").Count
j(x, 1) = Format(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DATA").Range("YearMth")(x, 1), "YYYY-MM")
For y = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DATA").Range("Booking_Post_As").Count
j(y, 2) = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DATA").Range("Booking_Post_As")(y, 1)
lbChoose.List = j
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Did not find a match. Please try again"
Exit Sub
End Sub

I've gone through a ton of differet methods to try and populate listbox2 (lbChosen). None of them has worked. Here's the latest failed attempt:

Private Sub lbChoose_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If lbChosen.ListIndex = -1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Listbox2(1, 1 To 2)
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
For y = 1 To 2
For x = 1 To 1
Listbox2(x, y) = lbChoose.List(lbChoose.ListIndex, y - 1)
lbChosen.List(lbChosen.ListCount) = Listbox2
btShowResults.Enabled = True
End Sub
I created a simple Form with 2 listboxes (lbChoose and ListBox2), each with 2 columns
To simplify, I hard-coded the values going into lbChoose, but you have it already.

Here is code:

Option Explicit

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim i As Integer

With lbChoose
    For i = 0 To 5
        .List(i, 0) = "Col " & i
        .List(i, 1) = "Something" & i
    Next i
End With

End Sub
Private Sub lbChoose_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Static X As Integer

Me.Caption = lbChoose.ListIndex

With ListBox2
    .List(X, 0) = lbChoose.List(lbChoose.ListIndex, 0)
    .List(X, 1) = lbChoose.List(lbChoose.ListIndex, 1)
End With

X = X + 1

End Sub[/blue]

I guess you just need the code in blue :)

Have fun.

---- Andy
Ooops, you don't need this line of code:
[tt]Me.Caption = lbChoose.ListIndex[/tt]
That was just testing on my part....

Have fun.

---- Andy
Andy, that did the trick! Thank you so much. Your code worked after I removed my error handling line:

If lbChosen.ListIndex = -1 Then
Exit Sub
End If

I was referring to the wrong listbox. It should have read 'If lbChoose.ListIndex = -1'

Have a great weekend and thanks again.

I am glad you have solved your problem.

But you lost me here: "Your code worked after I removed my error handling line"
So do you have now your code with 2 For...Next loops, or my 5 lines of code in lbChoose_DblClick event?

Have fun.

---- Andy
This is the code I ended up using. It's your code, but with a couple of things added around it.

Private Sub lbChoose_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If lbChoose.ListIndex = -1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Static X As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
With lbChosen
.List(X, 0) = lbChoose.List(lbChoose.ListIndex, 0)
.List(X, 1) = lbChoose.List(lbChoose.ListIndex, 1)
End With

X = X + 1
btShowResults.Enabled = True
Exit Sub

Exit Sub
End Sub
I don't think you need this:

If lbChoose.ListIndex = -1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
ListIndex = 0 is the very first 'entry' (item) in your list box, ListIndex = - 1 is the 'previous' one, which you cannot click on becasue..., well, it is not there.

I do use ListIndex = - 1, but only with combo boxes when I want to have an 'empty' combo - nothing selected.

Have fun.

---- Andy
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