I need to move some data in Excel. So I:
[ul][li]Insert an empty Row where I need the data to be[/li]
[li]Cut data I need to move[/li]
[li]Paste it where I need it, into the new empty inserted Row[/li]
[li]Delete the (empty) Row where data used to be[/li]
With this code:
The code works just fine, I'm just not happy with the [blue]BLUE[/blue] portion of it.
Not crazy about [tt].Select[/tt] statement.
Is there a better way to do it?
---- Andy
There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
[ul][li]Insert an empty Row where I need the data to be[/li]
[li]Cut data I need to move[/li]
[li]Paste it where I need it, into the new empty inserted Row[/li]
[li]Delete the (empty) Row where data used to be[/li]
With this code:
Rows("26:26").Delete Shift:=xlUp
The code works just fine, I'm just not happy with the [blue]BLUE[/blue] portion of it.
Not crazy about [tt].Select[/tt] statement.
Is there a better way to do it?
---- Andy
There is a great need for a sarcasm font.