Technical User
ok is it possible using this code to do the following, I am trying to make it so that when you mouse over one of the columns it will change the color of all of them.
At present it only highlights the column you mouse over but I am trying to make it highlight all the columns.
eg. if you mouse over column 2 it will change the background color of columns 2, 3, 4, 5
if you mouse over 3 it changes 3, 2, 4, 5
if you mouse over 4 it changes 4, 2, 3, 5
if you mouse over 5 it changes 5, 2, 3, 4
I have got it to the stage for column2 that on mouse over it will light up Column 2 but I am trying to get it to light up all the columns
I have also got it sorted for Column 5 as well
I understand that this part of the line need to change
but how can you refer it to more than one column??
Thanks for your time
Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake
when you make it again.
At present it only highlights the column you mouse over but I am trying to make it highlight all the columns.
eg. if you mouse over column 2 it will change the background color of columns 2, 3, 4, 5
if you mouse over 3 it changes 3, 2, 4, 5
if you mouse over 4 it changes 4, 2, 3, 5
if you mouse over 5 it changes 5, 2, 3, 4
<!----Column 2 starts here----->
<td bgcolor="$iB::SKIN->{'FORUM_COL_TWO'}" align="left" width='45%'><span id="linkthru"><b><a href="$iB::INFO->{'BOARD_URL'}/ikonboard.$iB::INFO->{'CGI_EXT'}?s=$iB::SESSION;act=SF;f=$Data->{'FORUM_ID'}">$Data->{'FORUM_NAME'}</a></b></span>
$Data->{'FORUM_DESC'}<span id='highlight'>
$Boards::lang->{'forum_users'} : $Data->{'FORUM_USERS'}</td>
<!----Column 3 starts here----->
<td bgcolor="<%SKIN:FORUM_COL_THREE%>" align='center' valign='middle' width='10%'>$Data->{'FORUM_TOPICS'}
<!----Column 4 starts here----->
<td bgcolor="<%SKIN:FORUM_COL_FOUR%>" align='center' valign='middle' width='10%' id='highlight'>$Data->{'FORUM_POSTS'}
<!----Column 5 starts here----->
<td bgcolor="<%SKIN:FORUM_COL_FIVE%>" align="left" valign='middle' width='35%'><span id='highlight'>$Data->{'FORUM_LAST_POST'}</span><br><%LANG:Boards:in%>: $Data->{'N_LINK'}<br><%LANG:Boards:by%>: $Data->{'P_LINK'}</td>
I have got it to the stage for column2 that on mouse over it will light up Column 2 but I am trying to get it to light up all the columns
<!-------- New Column 2-------->
<td style="Cursor:Hand" onClick="window.location.href='<%VAR:BOARD_URL%>/ikonboard.<%VAR:CGI_EXT%>?s=$iB::SESSION;act=SF;f=$Data->{'FORUM_ID'}'"
onMouseOver="'#6699cc'" onMouseOut="'<%SKIN:FORUM_COL_TWO%>'" bgcolor="<%SKIN:FORUM_COL_TWO%>" align="left" width='45%'><span id="linkthru"><b><a href="<%VAR:BOARD_URL%>/ikonboard.<%VAR:CGI_EXT%>?s=$iB::SESSION;act=SF;f=$Data->{'FORUM_ID'}">$Data->{'FORUM_NAME'}</a></b></span><br>
<span id='highlight'>$Data->{'MODERATOR'}</span><br>
<%LANG:Boards:forum_users%>: $Data->{'FORUM_USERS'}</td>
I have also got it sorted for Column 5 as well
<td style="Cursor:Hand" onClick="window.location.href='<%VAR:BOARD_URL%>/ikonboard.<%VAR:CGI_EXT%>?s=$iB::SESSION;act=SF;f=$Data->{'FORUM_ID'}'"
onMouseOver="'#6699cc'" onMouseOut="'<%SKIN:FORUM_COL_Five%>'" bgcolor="<%SKIN:FORUM_COL_FIVE%>" align="left" valign='middle' width='45%'><span id='highlight'>$Data->{'FORUM_LAST_POST'}</span><br><%LANG:Boards:in%>: $Data->{'N_LINK'}<br><%LANG:Boards:by%>: $Data->{'P_LINK'}</a></b></span></td>
I understand that this part of the line need to change
but how can you refer it to more than one column??
Thanks for your time
Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake
when you make it again.