I put a ABIT SD7-533 board with the SiS 645 chipset in my system this past summer.
Ever since, lockyps in games occurs quite routinely. In fact, usually after several minutes of play this happens. And for the last several weeks, my computer keeps shutting down on me for no apparent reason. Actually more like "hibernation" mode.
This happens with Win98 and WinXP. Memory was tested and it's fine. All drivers are current. Voltage settings and bios settings are fine. Reseted the bios to see if this would clear up the problem. No dice.
At this point, it's becoming clear that either the motherboard is defected OR there is a conflict between it and my video card (Radeon 8500 LE).
Does anyone else have this kind of problem?
Ever since, lockyps in games occurs quite routinely. In fact, usually after several minutes of play this happens. And for the last several weeks, my computer keeps shutting down on me for no apparent reason. Actually more like "hibernation" mode.
This happens with Win98 and WinXP. Memory was tested and it's fine. All drivers are current. Voltage settings and bios settings are fine. Reseted the bios to see if this would clear up the problem. No dice.
At this point, it's becoming clear that either the motherboard is defected OR there is a conflict between it and my video card (Radeon 8500 LE).
Does anyone else have this kind of problem?