Not sure of the size of the hotel but MITEL has always been the preffered choice when it comes to hospitality.
They go the hospitality niche covered very nicely.
Not to say there are not others that do it well.
I have not worked with the Mitel but the Avaya Partner system has also good features like built in wakeup call, call restriction change with one button but is size restricted to 48 extension maximum and the extension numbers are 10 (reception) to 57 not changeable.
It will probably depend on the size you are looking for and if you need to be able to expand or not.
post your question on the MITEL forum here at tektips. All the folks that install and maintain MITEL are on it and they can get you some good links and info there.
Hicom/hipath Hotel. Used to install these years ago and they're very good. With caracas link you can do all the admin/billing via your hotel admin system.
A lot depends on the size of the property and the amenities needed. I have installed Mitel, Panasonic, and PhoneSuite.
I like them all, but the Mitels are all the older variety, and every time I work on the oldest, I swear it's my last!
For the Panasonic systems, they are cost effective if you're installing them in an independent property. The flags tend to not like them, and they have a ways to go if you want PMS and guest voice mail. DuVoice makes an add-on with a price tag that rivals the PBX cost. It will push that low-cost system over the edge in a sub-100 room property.
PhoneSuite makes a cost effective solution for 16-450 rooms. It's weakness is in the multi-line sets. For
competitive money, you get PMS and SMDR, and guest voice mail that clears when you check a new room in or at checkout as you choose the option.
The last version of Mitel I worked with (ML/EL family) everything was done via MOSS and you could not have SMDR and PMS at the same time. Supersets are sweet, but a Mitel can't so something as simple as a lobby, pool, or elevator phone ring a group of extensions. I suppose with Supersets you could construct something that would, I just didn't find the time to do it. We used Viking external dialers to make it work.
I could give you tips about wireless internet, but that's a different thread.
I have installed LG-Nortel ipLDK-100/300 that runs a hotel version. In the USA the product name is Vertical or Vodavi.
It uses the int'l hotel computer standard, also.
The main advantage is the low price compared with the high feature level and it runs stable for many years.
My suggestion would be based on the size of the property. Small = PhoneSuite
Medium = Mitel 200ICP
Large = Avaya
If you want bleeding edge, I have heard good things about 3CX.
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