The backgound.
I have a networked webcam which will automatically ftp JPEG snapshot images to a server for inclusion on a web page. I can make it do this quite happily. But I also want to retain the images for later use. The camera can automatically name the files in sequence, the name is somehow based on the time the image was taken or may just be a random name I am not quite sure. I cannot collect the live video feed from the camera for purely operational reasons.
The problem
I cannot think of a way to detect the most recent file, in the destination folder, which to display on the web page. The mechanism of displaying the file I am happy with. I will be taking one frame every 30 minutes 24 hours per day for about a year, so I will have a large number of files to sift through. Is vbs the right way to do this ?
Suggestions please.
I have a networked webcam which will automatically ftp JPEG snapshot images to a server for inclusion on a web page. I can make it do this quite happily. But I also want to retain the images for later use. The camera can automatically name the files in sequence, the name is somehow based on the time the image was taken or may just be a random name I am not quite sure. I cannot collect the live video feed from the camera for purely operational reasons.
The problem
I cannot think of a way to detect the most recent file, in the destination folder, which to display on the web page. The mechanism of displaying the file I am happy with. I will be taking one frame every 30 minutes 24 hours per day for about a year, so I will have a large number of files to sift through. Is vbs the right way to do this ?
Suggestions please.