I have an appointments form. The form collects the type of vehicle that is coming in for maintenance. The vehicles are identified by their tags. On the form the tag# is entered in and the time then the appointment shows up on the clerks screen. While 5 different people can be entering appointments at a time.
The problem I am having is that there is 1 certain type of vehicle that takes longer to get maintenance on then the rest of them, 95% of them take exactly 5 minutes. For the field minutes I'm allowing the users a drop down menu that they can choose between 5 minute increments. However, for this type of vehicle I want a 20 minute buffer (See Example). I just want to block out 20 minutes of time after this vehicle is scheduled. Any ideas?
Vehicle#: XYZ-123 Time: 12:05 PM (20 minute vehicle)
Vehicle#: ABC-123 Time: 12:10 PM then msgbox
The problem I am having is that there is 1 certain type of vehicle that takes longer to get maintenance on then the rest of them, 95% of them take exactly 5 minutes. For the field minutes I'm allowing the users a drop down menu that they can choose between 5 minute increments. However, for this type of vehicle I want a 20 minute buffer (See Example). I just want to block out 20 minutes of time after this vehicle is scheduled. Any ideas?
Vehicle#: XYZ-123 Time: 12:05 PM (20 minute vehicle)
Vehicle#: ABC-123 Time: 12:10 PM then msgbox