The company I work for has 10 remote locations and until yesterday had 2 different methods of communicating with them: 1. Frame Relay 2. Syncronet. We are now in the process of changing the entire company over to a VPN WAN. The problem is that the frame relay sites require a router to see the servers, and the new VPN WAN needs to use a seperate router. I tried to set 2 different gateways but only the first gateway in the list will work(i.e. if the Frame router is first the 4 locations on the frame work fine but the other store cannot get in). For the Frame Relay I have a Motorola router( and for the VPN a Sanoma ATM with router( I need to know how I can set both as gateways and have both work together. The servers are Compaq Proliant running Windows NT 4.0 service pack 6.