I have an interactive program with 3 screens.
The second screen is a subfile with the names: DATAENTRY & DATAENTCTL. The subfile contains two fields INCODE AND INQTY. The user inputs a product code and quantity. I perform some error checking and redisplay the file if an error is found. Until I have NO ERRORS.
I then want to display a third screen. On this screen I have a subfile with the names VERIFY & VERIFYCTL. The subfiles contains 4 fields FCODE, FQTY FDESC AND FEXTAMT. I want to take each of the product codes entered on the 2nd screen perform a chain to our price file, get the product description and calculate an extended cost. I then want to fill in the fields on the 3rd screen. Currently when the 3rd screen is display it is full of empty fields.
You don't have to give me the exact code but a rough idea of what needs to be done would be very helpfull.
Thanks in advance for any and all help.
The second screen is a subfile with the names: DATAENTRY & DATAENTCTL. The subfile contains two fields INCODE AND INQTY. The user inputs a product code and quantity. I perform some error checking and redisplay the file if an error is found. Until I have NO ERRORS.
I then want to display a third screen. On this screen I have a subfile with the names VERIFY & VERIFYCTL. The subfiles contains 4 fields FCODE, FQTY FDESC AND FEXTAMT. I want to take each of the product codes entered on the 2nd screen perform a chain to our price file, get the product description and calculate an extended cost. I then want to fill in the fields on the 3rd screen. Currently when the 3rd screen is display it is full of empty fields.
You don't have to give me the exact code but a rough idea of what needs to be done would be very helpfull.
Thanks in advance for any and all help.