- Jun 11, 2001
- 267
I have an ASP Page with this code:
DIM FSO, FExtBegPos, BrowsedFile, BrowseContents, FExtTotal, FExt
set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set BrowseContents = FSO.GetFolder("//ticasna05fs/PrintFiles/003"
response.write "<TABLE>"
for each BrowsedFile in BrowseContents.Files
FExtBegPos = InStrRev(BrowsedFile.Name, "."
FExtTotal = len(BrowsedFile.Name)
FExt = Right(BrowsedFile.Name, FExtTotal - FExtBegPos)
if FExt = "CAB" or FExt = "cab" then
Response.Write "<tr><td>" & BrowsedFile.Name
Response.Write "</td></tr>"
end if
response.write "</table>"
Set FSO = Nothing
Set BrowseContents = Nothing
This page looks at '//ticasna05fs/printfiles" for any CAB files. It works fine from my web server. But if I try to access this page from any other computer on my network, I get this error:
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800a004c'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/mark.asp, line 5
The operation completed successfully.
I went to the web properties and set it so the shared direcotry "printfiels" would allow ISUR_Severname but for some reason, any computer other than the actual web server will not let me in.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance. Mark
DIM FSO, FExtBegPos, BrowsedFile, BrowseContents, FExtTotal, FExt
set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set BrowseContents = FSO.GetFolder("//ticasna05fs/PrintFiles/003"
response.write "<TABLE>"
for each BrowsedFile in BrowseContents.Files
FExtBegPos = InStrRev(BrowsedFile.Name, "."
FExtTotal = len(BrowsedFile.Name)
FExt = Right(BrowsedFile.Name, FExtTotal - FExtBegPos)
if FExt = "CAB" or FExt = "cab" then
Response.Write "<tr><td>" & BrowsedFile.Name
Response.Write "</td></tr>"
end if
response.write "</table>"
Set FSO = Nothing
Set BrowseContents = Nothing
This page looks at '//ticasna05fs/printfiles" for any CAB files. It works fine from my web server. But if I try to access this page from any other computer on my network, I get this error:
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800a004c'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/mark.asp, line 5
The operation completed successfully.
I went to the web properties and set it so the shared direcotry "printfiels" would allow ISUR_Severname but for some reason, any computer other than the actual web server will not let me in.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance. Mark