I have a 2 dimensional array - write_array(1 to 23, 1 to 7)
When populated slice write_array(2,x) typically look something like this with variation of times and Empty entries
write_array(2,1) = "TIME"
write_array(2,2) = 23.08
write_array(2,3) = 22.58
write_array(2,4) = 23.02
write_array(2,5) = Empty
write_array(2,6) = Empty
write_array(2,7) = 24.02
Where the array element is Empty I want to replace with the average time of the others so Empty would be replaced with (23.08+22.58+23.02+24.02)/4
I have the following code which does this
Is there a more efficient way of doing this without 2 FOR loops?
When populated slice write_array(2,x) typically look something like this with variation of times and Empty entries
write_array(2,1) = "TIME"
write_array(2,2) = 23.08
write_array(2,3) = 22.58
write_array(2,4) = 23.02
write_array(2,5) = Empty
write_array(2,6) = Empty
write_array(2,7) = 24.02
Where the array element is Empty I want to replace with the average time of the others so Empty would be replaced with (23.08+22.58+23.02+24.02)/4
I have the following code which does this
'average recent time
recenttimecount = 0
rtSum = 0
recenttime = Application.WorksheetFunction.index(write_array, 2, 0)
For rtcount = 2 To UBound(recenttime)
If Not IsEmpty(recenttime(rtcount)) Then
recenttimecount = recenttimecount + 1
rtSum = rtSum + recenttime(rtcount)
End If
recenttimeAvg = rtSum / recenttimecount
For rtcount = 2 To UBound(recenttime)
If IsEmpty(recenttime(rtcount)) Then
write_array(2, rtcount) = recenttimeAvg
End If
Is there a more efficient way of doing this without 2 FOR loops?